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Català 1 sentit de l'expressió gènere de peixos:
NOManimalgènere de peixos, peixosany of various genus of fish
Catalàgènere de peixos: 1 sentit nom 1, animal
SentitAny of various genus of fish.
Membre deCraniata, Craniat, Vertebrata, Vertebratfishes
EspecíficAnguila, anguilla, genus anguillatype genus of the Anguillidae
Engraulistype genus of the family Engraulidae
Esfirènid, genus sphyraena, sphyraena, Sphyraenatype and sole genus of the Sphyraenidae
Lophiustype genus of family Lophiidae
abramis, genus abramisEuropean fishes
abudefduf, Abudefduf, genus abudefdufdamsel fishes
acanthocybium, Acanthocybium solandri, genus acanthocybiumwahoos
acanthurus, genus acanthurustype genus of the Acanthuridae
achoerodus, Achoerodus, genus achoerodusA genus of Labridae
acipenser, Acipenser, genus acipensertype genus of the Acipenseridae
aetobatus, genus aetobatusA genus of Myliobatidae
agonus, genus agonustype genus of the Agonidae
albula, genus albulatype and sole genus of the family Albulidae
alectis, genus alectisA genus of Carangidae
alepisaurus, genus alepisaurusslender scaleless predaceous tropical deep-sea fishes
alopius, genus alopiustype genus of the family Alopiidae
ambloplites, Ambloplites, genus ambloplitesA genus of Centrarchidae
ameiurus, Ameiurus, genus ameiurustype genus of the Ameiuridae
amia, genus amiatype genus of the Amiidae
ammodytes, Ammodytes, genus ammodytestype genus of the Ammodytidae
amphiprion, Amphiprion, genus amphipriondamsel fishes
anarhichas, Anarhichas, genus anarhichastype genus of the Anarhichadidae
anisotremus, genus anisotremusA genus of Haemulidae
antigonia, genus antigoniaA genus of fish in the family Caproidae
apogon, Apogon, genus apogontype genus of the Apogonidae
archosargus, Archosargus, genus archosargusA genus of Sparidae
argentina, genus argentinatype genus of the Argentinidae
ariomma, genus ariommaA genus of Stromateidae
arius, genus ariustype genus of the Ariidae
aspidophoroides, Aspidophoroides, genus aspidophoroidesalligatorfishes
astropogon, genus astropogonA genus of fish of the family Apogonidae
atherinopsis, genus atherinopsisA genus of Atherinidae
aulostomus, genus aulostomustype genus of the Aulostomidae
bairdiella, genus bairdielladrumfish
balistes, genus balistestype genus of the Balistidae
blennius, genus blenniustype genus of the Blenniidae
brama, genus bramatype genus of the Bramidae
brevoortia, genus brevoortiamenhaden
brosmius, genus browmiuscusk
calamus, genus calamusA genus of Sparidae
capros, genus caprosA genus of fish in the family Caproidae
caranx, genus caranxtype genus of the Carangidae
carassius, Carassius, genus carassiusgoldfish
carcharhinus, Carcharhinus, genus carcharhinustype genus of the Carcharhinidae
carcharias, genus carcharias, genus odontaspis, odontaspistype and sole genus of Carchariidae
carcharodon, genus carcharodonman-eating sharks
catostomus, genus catostomustype genus of the family Catostomidae
centropomus, genus centropomustype genus of the Centropomidae
centropristis, genus centropristissea basses
cetorhinus, genus cetorhinusComprising only the basking sharks
chaenopsis, genus chaenopsisA genus of fish of the family Clinidae including pikeblennies
chaetodipterus, genus chaetodipterusA genus of Ephippidae
chilomycterus, genus chilomycterusburrfishes
chrysophrys, genus chrysophrysAustralian snapper
citharichthys, genus citharichthysA genus of Bothidae
clupea, Clupea, genus clupeatype genus of the Clupeidae
coregonus, Coregonus, genus coregonustype genus of the Coregonidae
cosmocampus, genus cosmocampusA genus of fish in the family Syngnathidae
cottus, genus cottustype genus of the Cottidae
cryptacanthodes, genus cryptacanthodesA genus of Stichaeidae
cyclopterus, genus cyclopterustype genus of the Cyclopteridae
cynoscion, Cynoscion, genus cynoscionsea trout
cyprinus, Cyprinus, genus cyprinustype genus of the family Cyprinidae
dactylopterus, genus dactylopterusA genus of Dactylopteridae
dasyatis, genus dasyatistype genus of the Dasyatidae
decapterus, genus decapterusscads especially mackerel scad
diodon, genus diodontype genus of the Diodontidae
echeneis, genus echeneistype genus of the Echeneididae
elagatis, genus elagatisA genus of Carangidae
electrophorus, genus electrophorustype genus of the family Electrophoridae
elops, Elops, genus elopstype genus of the Elopidae
epinephelus, Epinephelus, genus epinephelusgenus of groupers or sea bass
equetus, Equetus, genus equetusdrumfish
esox, genus esoxtype and only genus of the family Esocidae
etropus, genus etropusA genus of Bothidae
eucinostomus, genus eucinostomusA genus of Gerreidae
euthynnus, genus euthynnusA genus of Scombridae
fistularia, genus fistulariatype genus of the family Fistulariidae
fundulus, genus funduluskillifish
gadus, genus gadustype genus of the Gadidae
galeocerdo, Galeocerdo, genus galeocerdo, Tauró tigretiger sharks
galeorhinus, genus galeorhinusA genus of Carcharhinidae
gambusia, Gambusia, genus gambusiamosquitofish
gasterosteus, genus gasterosteustype genus of the family Gasterosteidae
gempylus, Gempylus, genus gempylustype genus of the Gempylidae
genus alosashad
genus anomalopstype genus of the family Anomalopidae
genus ceratodustype genus of the Ceratodontidae
genus chaetodontype genus of the Chaetodontidae
genus chimaeratype genus of the Chimaeridae
genus eptatretusA genus of fossil fish of the family Myxinidae
genus genyonemus, Genyonemus lineatus, genyonemusA genus of Sciaenidae
genus gerres, gerres, Gerrestype genus of the Gerreidae
genus ginglymostoma, ginglymostomanurse sharks
genus gobiesox, gobiesoxtype genus of the Gobiesocidae
genus gobio, Gobio, gobiotrue gudgeons
genus gonorhynchus, gonorhynchusslender cylindrical marine fishes lacking air bladders and teeth
genus gymnelis, gymnelisA genus of Zoarcidae
genus gymnura, gymnurabutterfly rays
genus haemulon, haemulon, Haemulontype genus of the Haemulidae
genus halicoeres, halicoeresA genus of Labridae
genus hemigrammus, hemigrammus, Hemigrammustetras
genus hemipteronatus, hemipteronatusrazor fish
genus hemitripterus, hemitripterussea ravens
genus hexagrammos, hexagrammostype genus of the Hexagrammidae
genus hexanchus, hexanchusA genus of Hexanchidae
genus hippocampus, hippocampus, Hippocampusseahorses
genus hippoglossoides, hippoglossoidesA genus of Pleuronectidae
genus hippoglossus, hippoglossus, Hippoglossushalibuts
genus hipsurus, hipsurusA genus of Embiotocidae
genus holocentrus, holocentrustype genus of the family Holocentridae
genus hypentelium, hypenteliumA genus of fish in the family Catostomidae
genus hyperoglyphe, hyperoglypheA genus of Stromateidae
genus ictalurus, ictalurus, Ictaluruschannel catfishes
genus ictiobus, ictiobusbuffalo fishes
genus istiophorus, istiophorustype genus of the Istiophoridae
genus isurus, isurus, Isurusmako sharks
genus jordanella, Jordanella floridae, jordanella, Jordanellaflagfishes
genus katsuwonus, katsuwonusoceanic bonitos
genus krypterophaneron, krypterophaneronA genus of fish in the family Anomalopidae
genus kyphosus, kyphosustype genus of the Kyphosidae
genus lachnolaimus, lachnolaimusA genus of Labridae
genus lactophrys, lactophrysA genus of Ostraciidae
genus lagodon, lagodonA genus of Sparidae
genus lamna, lamnaA genus of Lamnidae
genus lampris, lampristype genus of the Lampridae
genus latimeria, latimeriatype genus of the Latimeridae
genus lebistes, lebistesguppies
genus lepidocybium, lepidocybium, LepidocybiumA genus of Gempylidae
genus lepisosteus, lepisosteus, Lepisosteustype genus of the Lepisosteidae
genus lepomis, lepomis, LepomisBream
genus leuciscus, leuciscusA genus of fish including
genus limanda, limandaA genus of Pleuronectidae
genus liparis, liparistype genus of the Liparididae
genus lobotes, lobotestype genus of the Lobotidae
genus lopholatilus, lopholatiluslarge brightly colored food fish of deep Atlantic waters
genus lota, lotaburbot
genus lumpenus, lumpenusA genus of Stichaeidae
genus lutjanus, lutjanus, Lutjanustype genus of the Lutjanidae
genus luvarus, Luvar, luvarus, Luvarustype genus of the Luvaridae
genus macrozoarces, macrozoarcesA genus of Zoarcidae
genus makaira, makairamarlins
genus mallotus, mallotuscapelins
genus malopterurus, malopteruruselectric catfish
genus mantaA genus of Mobulidae
genus maxostoma, maxostomaA genus of fish in the family Catostomidae
genus melanogrammus, melanogrammushaddock
genus menticirrhus, menticirrhuskingfishes
genus merlangus, merlanguswhitings / whitings / whitings / whitings / whitings / whitings
genus merluccius, merluccius, Merlucciushakes
genus micropogonias, micropogonias, Micropogoniascroakers
genus micropterus, micropterus, MicropterusAmerican freshwater black basses
genus microstomus, microstomusA genus of Pleuronectidae
genus mobula, mobulatype genus of the Mobulidae
genus molatype genus of the Molidae
genus mollienesia, mollienesiaMollies
genus molva, molvaling
genus monocanthus, monocanthustype genus of the Monocanthidae
genus morone, morone, Moronecarnivorous fresh and salt water fishes
genus mugil, mugil, Mugiltype genus of the Mugilidae
genus mulloidichthys, mulloidichthys, MulloidichthysA genus of Mullidae
genus mullus, mullus, Mullustype genus of the Mullidae
genus mustelus, mustelussmooth dogfishes
genus mycteroperca, mycteropercagroupers
genus myxine, myxinetype genus of the Myxinidae (typical hagfishes)
genus myxinikela, myxinikelafossil hagfishes
genus myxocephalus, myxocephalusgrubby
genus naucrates, naucratesA genus of Carangidae
genus negaprion, negaprionlemon sharks
genus neoceratodus, neoceratodusextant Australian lungfishes
genus notemigonus, notemigonusgolden shiners
genus notropis, notropis, Notropisshiners
genus ocyurus, ocyurusSnappers
genus oligoplites, oligoplitesleatherjackets
genus ophiodon, ophiodonA genus of Ophiodontidae
genus orectolobus, orectolobuscarpet sharks
genus orthopristis, orthopristisA genus of Haemulidae
genus osmerus, osmerustype genus of the Osmeridae
genus oxylebius, oxylebiusA genus of Hexagrammidae
genus pagellus, pagellussea breams
genus pagrus, pagrus, PagrusA genus of Sparidae
genus palometaA genus of Stromateidae
genus paprilus, paprilusA genus of Stromateidae
genus paracheirodon, paracheirodon, ParacheirodonA genus of Characidae
genus paralichthys, paralichthysA genus of Bothidae
genus paranthias, paranthiasA genus of Serranidae
genus parophrys, parophrysA genus of Soleidae
genus perca, Percatype genus of the Percidae
genus percina, percina, PercinaA genus of Percidae
genus periophthalmus, periophthalmus, PeriophthalmusA genus of Gobiidae
genus peristedion, peristedion, PeristedionIn some classifications the type genus of the subfamily Peristediinae
genus petromyzon, petromyzontypical lampreys
genus pholis, pholistype genus of the Pholidae
genus photoblepharon, photoblepharonA genus of fish in the family Anomalopidae
genus phoxinus, phoxinus, Phoxinusminnows
genus platichthys, platichthysA genus of Pleuronectidae
genus platypoecilus, platypoecilusplatys
genus pleuronectes, pleuronectestype genus of the Pleuronectidae
genus pollachius, pollachiuspollack
genus polydactylus, polydactylus, PolydactylusA genus of Polynemidae
genus polyodon, polyodontype genus of the Polyodontidae
genus polyprion, polyprionwreckfish
genus pomacanthus, pomacanthusangelfishes
genus pomacentrus, pomacentrus, Pomacentrustype genus of the Pomacentridae
genus pomatomus, pomatomustype genus of the Pomatomidae
genus pomolobus, pomolobusgenus to which the alewife is sometimes assigned
genus pomoxis, pomoxis, Pomoxiscrappies
genus poronotus, poronotusA genus of Stromateidae
genus priacanthus, priacanthustype genus of the Priacanthidae
genus prionace, prionace, Prionaceblue sharks
genus prionotus, prionotus, PrionotusA genus of Triglidae
genus pristis, prististype genus of the Pristidae
genus prosopium, prosopiumwhitefishes
genus psenes, psenesA genus of Stromateidae
genus psephurus, psephurusA genus of Polyodontidae
genus psetta, psettaA genus of Bothidae
genus psettichthys, psettichthysA genus of Soleidae
genus pseudopleuronectes, pseudopleuronectesA genus of Pleuronectidae
genus pterois, pterois, Pteroislionfishes
genus pylodictus, pylodictusflathead catfishes
genus rachycentron, rachycentrongenus and family are coextensive and comprise only the cobia
genus raja, rajatype genus of the family Rajidae
genus regalecus, reglaecustype genus of the Regalecidae
genus remilegia, remilegiaA genus of Echeneididae
genus rhincodon, rhincodonwhale sharks
genus rhinoptera, rhinopteraA genus of Myliobatidae
genus rivuluskillifish
genus roccus, roccusA genus of Serranidae
genus rutilus, rutilus, Rutilusroaches
genus rypticus, rypticusA genus of fish of the family Serranidae, including soapfishes
genus salmo, salmotype genus of the Salmonidae
genus salvelinus, salvelinus, Salvelinusbrook trout
genus sarda, sarda, Sardabonitos
genus sardina, genus sardiniapilchards
genus sardinops, sardinopspilchards
genus scardinius, scardinius, Scardiniusrudds
genus scartella, scartellaA genus of Blenniidae
genus sciaena, sciaenatype genus of the Sciaenidae
genus sciaenops, sciaenopsA genus of Sciaenidae
genus scomber, scombertype genus of the Scombridae
genus scomberesox, genus scombresox, scomberesox, scombresoxA genus of Scomberesocidae
genus scomberomorus, scomberomorusSpanish mackerels
genus scophthalmus, scophthalmusA genus of Bothidae
genus scorpaena, scorpaena, Scorpaenatype genus of the Scorpaenidae
genus sebastodes, sebastodesrockfishes
genus selar, selarbig-eyed scad
genus selene, seleneA genus of Carangidae
genus seriola, seriolaA genus of Carangidae
genus seriphus, seriphus, Seriphus politusA genus of Sciaenidae
genus serranus, serranus, Serranustype genus of the Serranidae
genus serrasalmus, serrasalmus, Serrasalmuspiranhas
genus sillago, sillagotype genus of the Sillaginidae
genus silurus, silurus, Silurustype genus of the Siluridae
genus solea, soleatype genus of the Soleidae
genus sphyrna, sphyrnatype genus of the Sphyrnidae
genus squalus, squalus, Squalusspiny dogfishes
genus squatina, squatinatype genus of the Squatinidae
genus stenotomus, stenotomus, Stenotomusscups / scups
genus stizostedion, stizostedionpike-perches
genus synagrops, synagrops, SynagropsA genus of Serranidae
genus synanceja, synancejastonefishes
genus syngnathus, syngnathustype genus of the family Syngnathidae
genus tarpontarpons
genus tautoga, tautoga, Tautogatautogs
genus tautogolabrus, tautogolabrusA genus of Labridae
genus tetragonurus, tetragonurusA genus of Stromateidae
genus tetrapturus, tetrapturusA genus of Istiophoridae
genus thalassoma, thalassoma, ThalassomaA genus of Labridae
genus thunnus, thunnustunas / tunas
genus tilapia, tilapiaA genus of Cichlidae
genus tinca, tincatench
genus toxotes, toxotestype genus of the Toxotidae
genus trachinotus, trachinotusA genus of Carangidae
genus trachipterus, trachipterustype genus of the Trachipteridae
genus trachurus, trachurusThe scads (particularly horse mackerels)
genus triaenodon, triaenodon, TriaenodonA genus of Triakidae
genus trigatype genus of the Triglidae
genus trinectes, trinectesA genus of Soleidae
genus umbrina, umbrinacroakers
genus urophycis, urophycishakes
genus xiphias, xiphiastype genus of the Xiphiidae
genus xyphophorus, xyphophorusswordtails
genus zeus, zeustype genus of the family Zeidae
genus zoarces, zoarcestype genus of the Zoarcidae
Generalgènere, genus(biology) taxonomic group containing one or more species
Anglèsfish genus

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