Sentit | tough / tough protective covering of the woody stems and roots of trees and other woody plants. |
Sinònims | corxa, escorça |
Part de | arrel | (botany) the usually underground organ that lacks buds or leaves or nodes |
branca, branc, rama | A division of a stem, or secondary stem arising from the main stem of a plant |
tronc | The main stem of a tree |
Específic | angostura | The bitter bark of a South American tree |
canyella | aromatic bark used as a spice / spice |
canyella blanca | Highly aromatic inner bark of the Canella winterana used as a condiment and a tonic |
canyella de la Xina | aromatic bark of the cassia-bark tree |
magnòlia | dried bark of various magnolias |
phellem | (botany) outer tissue of bark |
quina | medicinal bark of cinchona trees |
quina aromàtica | aromatic bark of cascarilla |
suro | Outer bark of the cork oak |
tapa | The thin fibrous bark of the paper mulberry and Pipturus albidus |
General | coberta, embolcall, protecció | A natural object that covers or envelops |
Anglès | bark |
Espanyol | corteza |
Verbs | decorticar, escorçar, escorxar, pelar | Remove the bark of a tree |