HyperDic: inmortal

Español > 4 sentidos de la palabra inmortal:
ADJETIVOallinmortalnot subject to death
allinmortal, imperecederonever / never dying
NOMBREperson inmortal, deidad, diosa, dios, divinidadany supernatural being worshipped as controlling some part of the world or some aspect of life or who is the personification of a force
person inmortala person (such as an author) of enduring fame / fame
Español > inmortal: 4 sentidos > adjetivo 1
Sentidonot subject to death.
EspecíficodivinoCharacterized by divine or godlike nature
imperecedero, inmarcesibleOf an imaginary flower that never / never fades
imperecedero, inmortalnever / never dying
TambiéncelestialOf or belonging to heaven or god
infinitoHaving no limits or boundaries in time or space or extent or magnitude
ContrariomortalSubject to death
NombresinmortalidadThe quality or state of being immortal
Español > inmortal: 4 sentidos > adjetivo 2
Sentidonever / never dying.
Generalinmortalnot subject to death
Inglésdeathless, undying
Español > inmortal: 4 sentidos > nombre 1, person
SentidoAny supernatural being worshipped as controlling some part of the world or some aspect of life or who is the personification of a force.
Sinónimosdeidad, diosa, dios, divinidad
CasosBoddhisatva, Bodhisattva, Bodhisatva, bodhisatwaBuddhist worthy of nirvana who postpones it to help others
Demogorgón(Greek mythology) a mysterious and terrifying deity of the underworld
Hipnos, Hypnos(Greek mythology) the Greek god of sleep
MorfeoThe Roman god of sleep and dreams
Quetzalcoatl, QuetzalcóatlAn Aztec deity represented as a plumed serpent
lohanA Buddhist who has attained nirvana
Miembro depanteónAll the gods of a religion
Específicodeidad anglosajona, divinidad anglosajona(Anglo-Saxon mythology) a deity worshipped by the Anglo-Saxons
deidad celta, dios celta, divinidad celtaA deity worshipped by the Celts
deidad grecorromana, divinidad greco-romanaA deity of classical mythology
deidad hindú, divinidad hindúA deity worshipped by the Hindus
deidad japonesa, divinidad japonesaA deity worshipped by the Japanese
demiurgoA subordinate deity, in some philosophies the creator of the universe
dios de la guerraA god worshipped as giving victory in war
dios del MarA deity that personifies the sea and is usually believed to live in or to control the sea
dios del SolA god that personifies the sun or is otherwise associated with the sun
dios serpiente, zombiA god of voodoo cults / cults of African origin worshipped especially in West Indies
diosa, diosA female deity
divinidad chinaA deity worshipped by the ancient Chinese
divinidad egipciaA deity worshipped by the ancient Egyptians
divinidad frigiadeity of the ancient Phrygians of west central Asia Minor
divinidad griegaA deity worshipped by the ancient Greeks
divinidad persaA deity worshiped by the ancient Persians
divinidad romanaA deity worshipped by the ancient Romans
divinidad semíticaA deity worshipped by the ancient Semites
divinidad teutónica(German mythology) a deity worshipped by the ancient Teutons
divinidad vikingaA deity worshipped by the ancient Norsemen
san, San, santa, Santa, santoA person who has died and has been declared a saint by canonization
semidiósA person who is part mortal and part god
Generalser sobrenaturalAn incorporeal being believed to have powers to affect the course of human events
Inglésdeity, divinity, god, immortal
Catalándeïtat, déu, divinitat
AdjetivodivinoBeing or having the nature of a god
Verbosdeificar, endiosarConsider as a god or godlike
Español > inmortal: 4 sentidos > nombre 2, person
SentidoA person (such as an author) of enduring fame / fame.
Generalcelebridad, famosoA widely known person

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