Meaning | Includes lichen families. |
Member of | Fungi, kingdom Fungi, fungus kingdom | The taxonomic kingdom including yeast, molds, smuts, mushrooms, and toadstools |
Narrower | Agaricaceae, family Agaricaceae | large family including many familiar / familiar mushrooms |
Albuginaceae, family Albuginaceae | fungi that produce white sori resembling blisters on certain flowering plants |
Aspergillaceae, family Aspergillaceae | family of fungi including some common molds |
Auriculariaceae, family Auriculariaceae | fungi having gelatinous sporophores |
Blastodiaceae, family Blastodiaceae | A family of saprobic fungi of order Blastocladiales |
Boletaceae, family Boletaceae | family of fleshy fungi having the germ pores easily separating from the cup and often from each other |
Calostomataceae, family Calostomataceae | A family of fungi belonging to the order Tulostomatales |
Ceratostomataceae, family Ceratostomataceae | fungi having carbonous perithecia with long necks |
Chytridiaceae, family Chytridiaceae | A family of aquatic fungi of order Chytridiales |
Cladoniaceae, family Cladoniaceae | A family of lichens |
Clathraceae, family Clathraceae | family of fleshy fungi resembling stinkhorns |
Clavariaceae, family Clavariaceae | fleshy fungi |
Coprinaceae, family Coprinaceae | Used in some classifications for the genus Coprinus |
Cortinariaceae, family Cortinariaceae | A family of fungi belonging to the order Agaricales |
Dacrymycetaceae, family Dacrymycetaceae | A family of basidiomycetous fungi belonging to the order Tremellales having a bifurcate basidium that lacks septa |
Dematiaceae, family Dematiaceae | family of imperfect mushrooms having dark-colored hyphae or conidia |
Entolomataceae, family Entolomataceae | A family of fungi belonging to the order Agaricales |
Entomophthoraceae, family Entomophthoraceae | Mostly parasitic lower fungi that typically develop in the bodies of insects |
Erysiphaceae, family Erysiphaceae | family of fungi parasitic mostly on leaves |
Fistulinaceae, family Fistulinaceae | A family of fungi closely related to the family Polyporaceae except that the tubes on the undersurface of the cap are separate from each other |
Geastraceae, family Geastraceae | A family of earthstar fungi belonging to the order Lycoperdales |
Geoglossaceae, family Geoglossaceae | A family of fungi belonging to the order Helotiales |
Helotiaceae, family Helotiaceae | A fungus family of order Helotiales |
Helvellaceae, family Helvellaceae | family of false morels or lorchels |
Hydnaceae, family Hydnaceae | tooth fungi |
Hygrophoraceae, family Hygrophoraceae | A family of fungi belonging to the order Agaricales |
Hypocreaceae, family Hypocreaceae | family of fungi having brightly colored fleshy or membranous ascocarps |
Lecanoraceae, family Lecanoraceae | A fungus family of the division Lichenes |
Lepiotaceae, family Lepiotaceae | A family of fungi having free gills and a cap that is cleanly separable from the stalk |
Lycoperdaceae, family Lycoperdaceae | A fungus family belonging to the order Lycoperdales |
Melampsoraceae, family Melampsoraceae | rust fungi |
Moniliaceae, family Moniliaceae | family of imperfect fungi having white or brightly colored hyphae and spores that are produced directly on the mycelium and not aggregated in fruiting bodies |
Morchellaceae, family Morchellaceae | A family of edible fungi including the true morels |
Mucoraceae, family Mucoraceae | large family of chiefly saprophytic fungi that includes many common molds destructive to food products |
Nidulariaceae, family Nidulariaceae | bird's-nest fungi |
Parmeliaceae, family Parmeliaceae | A family of lichens |
Peronosporaceae, family Peronosporaceae | Parasitic fungi |
Pertusariaceae, family Pertusariaceae | A fungus family of division Lichenes |
Pezizaceae, family Pezizaceae | large family comprising many typical cup fungi |
Phallaceae, family Phallaceae | A family of fungi belonging to the order Phallales and comprising the true stinkhorns |
Plasmodiophoraceae, family Plasmodiophoraceae | family of fungi often causing hypertrophy in seed plants |
Pluteaceae, family Pluteaceae | A family of fungi belonging to the order Agaricales |
Polyporaceae, family Polyporaceae | fungi that become corky or woody with age, often forming shelflike growths on trees |
Pucciniaceae, family Pucciniaceae | large important family of rust fungi |
Pythiaceae, family Pythiaceae | fungi having sporangia usually borne successively and singly at the tips of branching sporangiophores |
Rhizopogonaceae, family Rhizopogonaceae | A family of fungi of order Hymenogastrales having round subterranean sporophores |
Roccellaceae, family Roccellaceae | A fungus family of division Lichenes |
Russulaceae, family Russulaceae | Used in some classification systems for the genus Russula |
Saccharomycetaceae, family Saccharomycetaceae | family of fungi comprising the typical yeasts |
Sarcoscyphaceae, family Sarcoscyphaceae | family of fungi belonging to the order Pezizales |
Schizosaccharomycetaceae, family Schizosaccharomycetaceae | A family of fungi belonging to order Endomycetales |
Sclerodermataceae, family Sclerodermataceae | A family of fungi or order Sclerodermatales with a single-layered peridium |
Sclerotiniaceae, family Sclerotiniaceae | A fungus family of order Helotiales |
Secotiaceae, family Secotiaceae | A family of fungi that have a stalk and cap and a wrinkled mass of tissue (the gleba) where spores are produced |
Septobasidiaceae, family Septobasidiaceae | A family of fungi belonging to the subdivision Basidiomycota |
Sphaeriaceae, family Sphaeriaceae | Parasitic fungi having globose and sometimes necked or beaked perithecia |
Sphaerobolaceae, family Sphaerobolaceae | monotypic family of fungi in which the more or less spherical gleba is forcibly ejected at maturity |
Strophariaceae, family Strophariaceae | sometimes included in family Agaricaceae |
Synchytriaceae, family Synchytriaceae | A fungus family of order Chytridiales |
Thelephoraceae, family Thelephoraceae | fungi having leathery or membranous sporophores |
Tilletiaceae, family Tilletiaceae | A family of smut fungi having a simple promycelium bearing the spores in an apical cluster |
Tremellaceae, family Tremellaceae | A family of basidiomycetous fungi of the order Tremellales that have the basidium divided longitudinally |
Tricholomataceae, family Tricholomataceae | A family of fungi belonging to the order Agaricales |
Tuberaceae, family Tuberaceae | family of fungi whose ascocarps resemble tubers and vary in size from that of an acorn to that of a large apple |
Tuberculariaceae, family Tuberculariaceae | large family of mainly saprophytic imperfect fungi |
Tulostomaceae, family Tulostomaceae, Tulostomataceae, family Tulostomataceae | stalked puffballs |
Usneaceae, family Usneaceae | fruticose lichens having prostrate or erect or pendulous thalli |
Ustilaginaceae, family Ustilaginaceae | A fungus family of loose smuts |
Volvariaceae, family Volvariaceae | A family of fungi belonging to the order Agaricales |
Xylariaceae, family Xylariaceae | family of fungi characterized by dark brown to black spores |
Broader | family | (biology) a taxonomic group containing one or more genera |
Spanish | hongos |
Catalan | fongs |