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Related WikiPedia: designer
English 5 senses of the word designer:
NOUNperson designer, interior designera person who specializes in interior design
person designer, architectsomeone who creates plans to be used in making something (such as buildings)
person designer, graphic designersomeone who specializes in graphic design
person designer, intriguera person who devises plots or intrigues
person designer, couturier, fashion designer, clothes designersomeone who designs clothing
designer pronunciation
RhymesAfrikaner ... yawner: 180 rhymes with ner...
Englishdesigner: 5 senses noun 1, person
MeaningA person who specializes in interior design.
Synonyminterior designer
InstancesEames, Charles EamesUnited States designer noted for an innovative series of chairs (1907-1978)
Broaderspecialist, specializer, specialiserAn expert who is devoted to one occupation or branch of learning
Spanishdecorador de interiores, decorador, diseñador de interiores, diseñador, interiorista
Catalandecorador d'interiors, decorador, dissenyador d'interiors, dissenyador, interiorista
Verbsdesigncreate designs
Englishdesigner: 5 senses noun 2, person
Meaningsomeone who creates plans to be used in making something (such as buildings).
InstancesAalto, Alvar Aalto, Hugo Alvar Henrik AaltoFinnish architect and designer of furniture (1898-1976)
Adam, Robert AdamScottish architect who designed many public buildings in England and Scotland (1728-1792)
Alberti, Leon Battista AlbertiItalian architect and painter
Behrens, Peter BehrensGerman architect known for his simple utilitarian factory buildings (1868-1940)
Berlage, Hendrik Petrus BerlageDutch architect and town planner (1856-1934)
Bernini, Giovanni Lorenzo BerniniItalian sculptor and architect of the baroque period in Italy
Bramante, Donato Bramante, Donato d'Agnolo BramanteGreat Italian architect of the High Renaissance in Italy (1444-1514)
Breuer, Marcel Lajos BreuerUnited States architect (born in Hungary) who was associated with the Bauhaus in the 1920's (1902-1981)
Brunelleschi, Filippo BrunelleschiFlorentine architect who was the first great architect of the Italian Renaissance (1377-1446)
Bullfinch, Charles BullfinchUnited States architect who designed the Capitol Building in Washington which served as a model for state capitols throughout the United States (1763-1844)
Burnham, Daniel Hudson BurnhamUnited States architect who designed the first important skyscraper with a skeleton (1846-1912)
Butterfield, William ButterfieldEnglish architect who designed many churches (1814-1900)
Carrere, John Merven CarrereUnited States architect who with his partner Thomas Hastings designed many important public buildings (1858-1911)
Chambers, William Chambers, Sir William ChambersEnglish architect (1723-1796)
Delorme, Philibert Delorme, de l'Orme, Philibert de l'OrmeFrench royal architect who built the Tuileries ... / Tuileries Palace and Gardens in Paris for Catherine de Medicis (1515-1570)
Fuller, Buckminster Fuller, R. Buckminster Fuller, Richard Buckminster FullerUnited States architect who invented the geodesic dome (1895-1983)
Garnier, Jean Louis Charles GarnierFrench architect (1825-1898)
Gaudi, Antonio Gaudi, Gaudi i Cornet, Antonio Gaudi i CornetSpanish architect who was a leading exponent of art nouveau in Europe (1852-1926)
Gilbert, Cass GilbertUnited States architect who influenced the development of the skyscraper (1859-1934)
Giotto, Giotto di BondoneFlorentine painter who gave up the stiff Byzantine style and developed a more naturalistic style
Gropius, Walter GropiusUnited States architect (born in Germany) and founder of the Bauhaus school (1883-1969)
Hastings, Thomas HastingsUnited States architect who formed and important architectural firm with John Merven Carrere (1860-1929)
Hoffmann, Josef HoffmannAustrian architect known for his use of rectilinear units (1870-1956)
Horta, Victor HortaBelgian architect and leader in art nouveau architecture (1861-1947)
Hunt, Richard Morris HuntUnited States architect (1827-1895)
Jenny, William Le Baron JennyUnited States architect who designed the first skyscraper in which a metal skeleton was used (1832-1907)
Jones, Inigo JonesOne of the first great English architects and a theater designer (1573-1652)
Kahn, Louis Isadore KahnUnited States architect (born in Estonia) (1901-1974)
L'Enfant, Charles L'Enfant, Pierre Charles L'EnfantUnited States architect (born in France) who laid out the city plan for Washington (1754-1825)
Labrouste, Henri LabrousteFrench architect who was among the first to use metal / metal construction successfully (1801-1875)
Latrobe, Benjamin Henry LatrobeUnited States architect (born in England) whose works include the chambers of the United States Congress and the Supreme Court
Le Corbusier, Charles Edouard JeanneretFrench architect (born in Switzerland) (1887-1965)
Leonardo, Leonardo da Vinci, da VinciItalian painter and sculptor and engineer and scientist and architect
Lin, Maya LinUnited States sculptor and architect whose public works include the memorial to veterans of the Vietnam War in Washington (born in 1959)
Loos, Adolf LoosAustrian architect (1870-1933)
Lutyens, Sir Edwin Lutyens, Sir Edwin Landseer LuytensEnglish architect who planned the city of New Delhi (1869-1944)
Mansart, Francois MansartFrench architect who introduced the mansard roof (1598-1666)
McKim, Charles Follen McKimUnited States neoclassical architect (1847-1909)
Mendelsohn, Erich MendelsohnGerman architect who migrated to Palestine in 1937 (1887-1953)
Michelangelo, Michelangelo BuonarrotiFlorentine sculptor and painter and architect
Mies Van Der Rohe, Ludwig Mies Van Der RoheUnited States architect (born in Germany) who built unornamented steel frame and glass skyscrapers (1886-1969)
Mills, Robert MillsUnited States architect who was the presidentially appointed architect of Washington D.C. (1781-1855)
Nervi, Pier Luigi NerviItalian architect who pioneered in the use of reinforced concrete (1891-1979)
Palladio, Andrea PalladioHighly original and much imitated Italian architect (1508-1580)
Paxton, Joseph Paxton, Sir Joseph PaxtonEnglish architect (1801-1865)
Pei, I. M. Pei, Ieoh Ming PeiUnited States architect (born in China in 1917)
Pugin, Augustus Welby Northmore PuginEnglish architect who played a prominent role in the 19th century revival of Gothic architecture (1812-1852)
Richardson, Henry Hobson RichardsonUnited States architect (1838-1886)
Saarinen, Eliel SaarinenFinnish architect and city planner who moved to the United States in 1923
Saarinen, Eero SaarinenUnited States architect (born in Finland) (1910-1961)
Soufflot, Jacques Germain SoufflotFrench architect (1713-1780)
Speer, Albert SpeerGerman Nazi architect who worked for Hitler (1905-1981)
Stone, Edward Durell StoneUnited States architect (1902-1978)
Strickland, William StricklandUnited States architect and student of Latrobe (1787-1854)
Sullivan, Louis Sullivan, Louis Henry Sullivan, Louis Henri SullivanUnited States architect known for his steel framed skyscrapers and for coining the phrase 'form follows function' (1856-1924)
Tange, Kenzo TangeJapanese architect (born in 1913)
Thornton, William ThorntonAmerican architect (1759-1828)
Upjohn, Richard UpjohnUnited States architect (born in England) (1802-1878)
Vanbrugh, John Vanbrugh, Sir John VanbrighEnglish architect (1664-1726)
Venturi, Robert Venturi, Robert Charles VenturiUnited States architect (born in 1925)
Wagner, Otto WagnerAustrian architect and pioneer of modern architecture (1841-1918)
White, Stanford WhiteUnited States architect (1853-1906)
Wren, Sir Christopher WrenEnglish architect who designed more than fifty London churches (1632-1723)
Wright, Frank Lloyd Wrightinfluential United States architect (1869-1959)
Wyatt, James WyattEnglish architect (1746-1813)
van de Velde, Henri van de Velde, Henri Clemens van de VeldeBelgian architect (1863-1957)
NarrowerTown, Ithiel TownUnited States architect who was noted for his design and construction of truss bridges (1784-1844)
landscape architect, landscape gardener, landscaper, landscapistsomeone who arranges features of the landscape or garden attractively
BroadercreatorA person who grows or makes or invents / invents things
Spanisharquitecta, arquitecto, diseñador
Catalanarquitecta, arquitecte, dissenyador
Verbsdesignmake a design of
designcreate the design for
Englishdesigner: 5 senses noun 3, person
Meaningsomeone who specializes in graphic design.
Synonymgraphic designer
Broaderspecialist, specializer, specialiserAn expert who is devoted to one occupation or branch of learning
Englishdesigner: 5 senses noun 4, person
MeaningA person who devises plots or intrigues.
Example"he is believed to be the principal designer of the terrorist bombing attack"
Broaderplanner, contriver, deviserA person who makes plans
Englishdesigner: 5 senses noun 5, person
Meaningsomeone who designs clothing.
Synonymscouturier, fashion designer, clothes designer
InstancesBalenciaga, Cristobal BalenciagaSpanish fashion designer known for his stark elegant designs (1895-1972)
Dior, Christian DiorFrench couturier whose first collection in 1947 created a style that became known as the New Look (1905-1957)
Klein, Calvin Klein, Calvin Richard KleinUnited States fashion designer noted for understated fashions (born in 1942)
Schiaparelli, Elsa Schiaparellifashion designer born in Italy who was noted for her use of synthetic materials and brilliant colors (1896-1973)
Versace, Gianni VersaceItalian fashion designer (1946-1997)
Worth, Charles Frederick WorthFrench couturier (born in England) regarded as the founder of Parisian haute couture
Narrowercostumier, costumer, costume designersomeone who designs or supplies costumes (as for a play or masquerade)
BroadercreatorA person who grows or makes or invents / invents things
Spanishdiseñador de moda, diseñador, modisto
Catalandissenyador de moda, dissenyador, modista
Verbsdesigncreate the design for
designcreate designs

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