Català > malformació congènita: 1 sentit > nom 1, stateSentit | A defect that is present at birth / birth. |
Sinònim | malaltia congènita |
Específic | acromatòpsia, daltonisme | genetic inability to distinguish differences in hue |
albinisme | The congenital absence of pigmentation in the eyes and skin and hair |
amelia, Amelia | congenital absence of an arm or leg |
anquiloglosia | A congenital anomaly in which the mucous membrane under the tongue is too short limiting the mobility of the tongue |
cardiopatia congènita | A birth defect involving the heart |
clinodactília | A congenital defect in which one or more toes or fingers are abnormally positioned |
encefalocele | protrusion of brain tissue through a congenital fissure in the skull |
escafocefalia | congenital malformation of the skull which is long and narrow |
espina bífida, schistorrhachis | A not uncommon congenital defect in which a vertebra is malformed |
hermafroditisme | congenital condition in which external genitalia and internal sex organs have both male and female characteristics / characteristics |
llavi leporí | A congenital cleft in the middle of the upper lip |
macroglosia, macroglòssia | A congenital disorder characterized by an abnormally large tongue |
meromelia | congenital absence of part of an arm or leg |
mongolisme, síndrome de down, síndrome de Down, Síndrome de Down | A congenital disorder caused by having an extra 21st chromosome |
oxicefàlia | A congenital abnormality of the skull |
palatòsquisi | A congenital fissure of the hard palate |
polidactilia, polidactília | birth defect characterized by the presence of more than the normal number of fingers or toes |
pseudohermafroditisme | congenital condition in which a person has external genitalia of one sex and internal sex organs of the other sex |
sindactilia, sindactília | birth defect in which there is partial or total webbing connecting two or more fingers or toes |
General | anomalia | deviation from the normal or common order or form or rule |
Anglès | birth defect, congenital anomaly, congenital defect, congenital disorder, congenital abnormality |