Sentit | The 2nd largest ocean; separates North and South America on the west from Europe and Africa on the east. |
Sinònims | Atlántico, oceà Atlàntic, Oceà Atlàntic |
Espècimen de | oceà | A large body of water constituting a principal part of the hydrosphere |
Parts | Badia Biscaïna | A narrow bay formed by an inlet from the Atlantic Ocean in southeastern Florida |
Badia de Chesapeake | A large inlet of the North Atlantic between Virginia and Maryland |
Badia de Delaware | An inlet of the North Atlantic |
Badia de Fundy | A bay of the North Atlantic between New Brunswick and Nova Scotia |
Badia de New York, Badia de Nova York | A bay of the North Atlantic |
Bermuda, Bermudes | A group of islands in the Atlantic off the Carolina coast |
Dorsal mesoatlàntica | A very long narrow elevation on the ocean floor that runs all the way from Iceland in the North Atlantic to Bouvet Island in the South Atlantic |
Golf de Mèxic | An arm of the Atlantic to the south of the United States and to the east of Mexico |
Golf de Sant Llorenç | An arm of the northwest Atlantic Ocean off the southeastern coast of Canada |
Grenlàndia, Groenlandia, Groenlàndia | The largest island in the world |
Illes del Cap Verd | A group of islands in the Atlantic off of the coast of Senegal |
Illes Òrcades | An archipelago of about 70 islands in the North Atlantic and North Sea off the northeastern coast of Scotland |
Islàndia | A volcanic island in the North Atlantic near the Arctic Circle |
Long Island Sound | A sound between Long Island and Connecticut |
Mar del Nord | An arm of the North Atlantic between the British Isles and Scandinavia |
Mar dels Sargassos | A vast area of the North Atlantic from the West Indies to the Azores that is dense with gulfweed |
Newfoundland, Terranova | An island in the north Atlantic |
Oceà Antàrtic | The southern waters surrounding Antarctica |
Sant Tomàs i Príncep | island nation in the South Atlantic off the west coast of Africa |
Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Tenerife | A Spanish island in the Atlantic off the northwestern coast of Africa |
Triangle de les Bermudes | An area in the western Atlantic Ocean where many ships and planes are supposed to have been mysteriously lost |
canal de la Mànega | An arm of the Atlantic Ocean that forms a channel between France and Britain |
golf de Guinea | A gulf off the southwest coast of Africa |
illes Britàniques, Illes Britàniques | Great Britain and Ireland and adjacent islands in the north Atlantic |
illes Falkland, Illes Malvines | A group of over 100 islands in the southern Atlantic off the coast of Argentina |
Regió | Trafalgar | A naval battle in 1805 off the southwest coast of Spain |
Anglès | Atlantic, Atlantic Ocean |
Espanyol | Atlántico, Océano Atlántico |
Adjectius | atlàntic | relating to or bordering the Atlantic Ocean |