HyperDic: articulat

Català > 3 sentits de la paraula articulat:
ADJECTIUallarticulatexpressing yourself easily or characterized by clear expressive language / language
allarticulatconsisting of segments held together by joints
allarticulathaving joints or jointed segments
Català > articulat: 3 sentits > adjectiu 1
SentitExpressing yourself easily or characterized by clear expressive language / language.
Específicaltiloqüent, benparlant, disert, eloqüent, expressiu, grandiloqüentExpressing yourself readily, clearly, effectively
benparlatspeaking or spoken fittingly or pleasingly
parlantcapable of speech
Tambécomunicatiuable or tending to communicate
parlat, verbalUttered through the medium of speech or characterized by speech
ContrariinarticulatWithout or deprived of the use of speech or words
Espanyolarticulada, articulado
NomseloqüènciaThe quality of being facile in speech and writing
Català > articulat: 3 sentits > adjectiu 2
SentitConsisting of segments held together by joints.
EspecíficarticulatHaving joints or jointed segments
Contrariinarticulatnot consisting of segments that are held together by joints
Anglèsarticulated, articulate
Català > articulat: 3 sentits > adjectiu 3
SentitHaving joints or jointed segments.
CategoriazoologiaThe branch of biology that studies animals
GeneralarticulatConsisting of segments held together by joints

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