Sentido | The system of production and distribution and consumption. |
Sinónimo | economía |
Partes | sector | A social group that forms part of the society or the economy |
Específico | capitalismo de estado | An economic system that is primarily capitalistic but there is some degree of government ownership of the means of production |
economía de mercado | An economy that relies chiefly on market forces to allocate goods and resources and to determine prices |
economía mixta | An economic system that combines private and state enterprises |
industrialismo | An economic system built on large / large industries rather than on agriculture or craftsmanship |
socialismo de estado | An economic system in which the government owns most means of production but some degree of private capitalism is allowed |
General | esquema, sistema | A group of independent but interrelated elements comprising a unified whole |
Inglés | economy, economic system |
Catalán | economia, sistema econòmic |
Adjetivo | económico | Of or relating to an economy, the system of production and management of material wealth |
económico | Of or relating to the science of economics |
Nombres | economista | An expert in the science of economics |