Sentido | A scientist trained in psychology. |
Sinónimos | psicóloga, psicólogo, sicólogo |
Casos | Alfred Binet | French psychologist remembered for his studies / studies of the intellectual development of children (1857-1911) |
Arnold Gesell, Arnold Lucius Gesell | United States psychologist noted for his work in child development (1880-1961) |
B. F. Skinner, Burrhus Frederic Skinner | United States psychologist and a leading proponent of behaviorism (1904-1990) |
Carl Gustav Jung, Carl Jung, Jung | Swiss psychologist (1875-1961) |
Carl Rogers | United States psychologist who developed client-centered therapy (1902-1987) |
Charles Kay Ogden | English psychologist who collaborated with I. A. Richards in designing Basic English (1889-1957) |
Cyril Burt | English psychologist whose studies / studies of twins were later said to have used fabricated data (1883-1971) |
Edward Lee Thorndike, Thorndike | United States educational psychologist (1874-1949) |
Eysenck, Hans Eysenck, Hans Jurgen Eysenck | A British psychologist (born in Germany) noted for his theories of intelligence and personality and for his strong criticism of Freudian psychoanalysis |
Granville Stanley Hall | United States child psychologist whose theories of child psychology strongly influenced educational psychology (1844-1924) |
Herbert Alexander Simon, Herbert A. Simon | United States economist and psychologist who pioneered in the development of cognitive science (1916-2001) |
James, William James | United States pragmatic philosopher and psychologist (1842-1910) |
James McKeen Cattell | American psychologist and editor (1860-1944) |
Jean Piaget, Piaget | Swiss psychologist remembered for his studies / studies of cognitive development in children (1896-1980) |
John Broadus Watson | United States psychologist considered the founder of behavioristic psychology (1878-1958) |
Kenneth Clark | United States psychologist (born in Panama) whose research persuaded the Supreme Court that segregated schools were discriminatory (1914-2005) |
Raymond B. Cattell, Raymond Bernard Cattell, R. B. Cattell | American psychologist (born in England) who developed a broad theory of human behavior based on multivariate research (1905-1998) |
Robert Mearns Yerkes | United States psychologist who studied the intelligence of primates (1876-1956) |
Timothy Francis Leary, Timothy Leary | United States psychologist who experimented with psychoactive drugs (including LSD) and became a well-known advocate of their use (1920-1996) |
Específico | behaviorista, conductista | A psychologist who subscribes to behaviorism |
hipnotizador | A person who induces hypnosis |
parapsicólogo, parasicólogo | someone who studies the evidence for such psychological phenomena as psychokinesis and telepathy and clairvoyance |
psicofísico | A psychologist trained in psychophysics |
General | científica, científico | A person with advanced knowledge of one or more sciences |
Inglés | psychologist |
Catalán | psicòleg |
Nombres | psicología, sicología | The science of mental life |