Sentido | An imaginary being of myth or fable. |
Casos | Aeneas, Eneas | A mythical Greek warrior who was a leader on the Trojan side of the Trojan War |
Agamemnon, Agamenón | (Greek mythology) the king who lead the Greeks against Troy in the Trojan War |
Ajax, Ayax | A mythical Greek hero |
Alcione | (Greek mythology) a woman who was turned into a kingfisher |
Andrómeda | (Greek mythology) an Ethiopian princess and daughter of Cassiopeia |
Aquiles | A mythical Greek hero of the Iliad |
Bellerophon | (Greek mythology) a mythical hero of Corinth who performed miracles on the winged horse Pegasus (especially killing the monster Chimera) |
Casiopea, Cassiopeia | (Greek mythology) the wife of Cepheus and mother of Andromeda |
Cefeo | (Greek mythology) king of Ethiopia and husband of Cassiopeia |
Dárdano | (Greek mythology) founder of Troy |
Dédalo | (Greek mythology) an Athenian inventor who built the labyrinth of Minos |
Edipo | (Greek mythology) a tragic king of Thebes who unknowingly killed his father Laius and married his mother Jocasta |
Elena, Helena | (Greek mythology) the beautiful daughter of Zeus and Leda who was abducted by Paris |
Enkidu | legendary friend of Gilgamish |
Eurídice | (Greek mythology) the wife of Orpheus |
Ganimedes, Ganímedes | (Greek mythology) a Trojan boy who was so beautiful that Zeus carried him away to serve as cupbearer to the gods |
Hector, Héctor | (Greek mythology) a mythical Trojan who was killed by Achilles during the Trojan War |
Heracles, Hercules, Hércules | (classical mythology) a hero noted for his strength |
Ifigenia, Iphigenia | (Greek mythology) the daughter of Clytemnestra and Agamemnon |
Jasón | (Greek mythology) the husband of Medea and leader of the Argonauts who sailed in quest of the Golden Fleece |
Laertes | (Greek mythology) the father of Odysseus |
Leandro | (Greek mythology) a youth beloved of Hero who drowned in a storm in the Hellespont on one of his nightly visits to see her |
Medea | (Greek mythology) a princess of Colchis who aided Jason in taking the Golden Fleece from her father |
Midas | (Greek legend) the greedy king of Phrygia who Dionysus gave the power to turn everything he touched into gold |
Narciso | (Greek mythology) a beautiful young man who fell in love with his own reflection |
Nibelungo | (German mythology) a companion or follower of Siegfried |
Odiseo, Odysseus, Ulises | (Greek mythology) a famous mythical Greek hero |
Orfeo | (Greek mythology) a great musician |
Orión | (Greek mythology) a giant Boeotian hunter who pursued the Pleiades and was eventually slain by Artemis |
Pandora | (Greek mythology) the first woman |
Paris, París | (Greek mythology) the prince of Troy who abducted Helen from her husband Menelaus and provoked the Trojan War |
Peleo | A king of the Myrmidons and father of Achilles |
Penélope | (Greek mythology) the wife of Odysseus and a symbol of devotion and fidelity |
Perseo | (Greek mythology) the son of Zeus who slew Medusa (with the help of Athena and Hermes) and rescued Andromeda from a sea monster |
Procrustes | (Greek mythology) a mythical giant who was a thief and murderer |
Príamo | (Greek mythology) the last king of Troy |
Psique, Psyche | (Greek mythology) a beautiful princess loved by Cupid who visited her at night and told her she must not try to see him |
Remo | (Roman mythology) the twin brother of Romulus |
Rómulo, Romulus | (Roman mythology) founder of Rome |
Sarpedon | (Greek mythology) a son of Zeus who became king of Lycia |
Sita | wife of the Hindu god Rama |
Sísifo | (Greek legend) a king in ancient Greece who offended Zeus and whose punishment was to roll a huge boulder to the top of a steep hill |
Tántalo | (Greek mythology) a wicked king and son of Zeus |
Ulises | (Roman mythology) Roman spelling for Odysseus |
Völund, Wayland | (Norse mythology) a wonderful smith |
pegaso, Pegaso | (Greek mythology) the immortal winged horse that sprang from the blood of the slain Medusa |
valquiria | (Norse mythology) one of the maidens of Odin who chose heroes to be slain in battle and conducted them to Valhalla |
Ícaro | (Greek mythology) son of Daedalus |
Específico | alcedón | A mythical bird said to breed at the time of the winter solstice in a nest floating on the sea and to have the power of calming the winds and waves |
amazona | (Greek mythology) one of a nation of women warriors of Scythia (who burned off the right breast in order to use a bow and arrow more effectively) |
criatura mítica, monstruo mítico | A monster renowned in folklore and myth |
fénix | A legendary Arabian bird said to periodically burn itself to death and emerge from the ashes as a new phoenix |
golem | (Jewish folklore) an artificially created human being that is given life by supernatural means |
héroe | (classical mythology) a being of great strength and courage celebrated for bold exploits |
General | criatura imaginaria, ente imaginario, ser imaginario | A creature / creature of the imagination |
Inglés | mythical being |
Catalán | ésser mític |