Sentido | Act between parties with a view to reconciling differences. |
Sinónimos | arbitrar, interceder, mediar |
General | negociar | discuss the terms of an arrangement |
Inglés | intercede, mediate, intermediate, liaise, arbitrate |
Catalán | arbitrar, intercedir, mitjançar |
Adjetivo | arbitrable | Appropriate for or subject to settlement by arbitration |
arbitrativo | relating to or having the authority to arbitrate |
Nombres | arbitrador, árbitra, árbitro, intercesor, intermediario, juez, mediadora, mediador, réferi | someone chosen to judge and decide a disputed issue |
arbitraje, arbitrio, sentencia del árbitro | The act of deciding as an arbiter |
arbitraje, mediación | A negotiation to resolve differences that is conducted by some impartial party / party |
arbitraje | (law) the hearing and determination of a dispute by an impartial referee agreed to by both parties (often used to settle disputes between labor and management) |
intercesor, intermediario, mediador | A negotiator who acts as a link between parties / parties / parties |
intervención | The act of intervening (as to mediate a dispute, etc.) |
mediación | The act of intervening for the purpose of bringing about a settlement |