Sentido | Any of numerous flowerless and seedless vascular plants having true roots from a rhizome and fronds that uncurl upward; reproduce by spores. |
Sinónimo | helechos |
Miembro de | clase filicíneas, clase filicópsidas, filicales, filicíneas, filicíneos, filicopsida | ferns |
Específico | Asplenium ceterach | small European fern with chaffy leathery fronds |
Polypodium aureum | Tropical American fern with brown scaly rhizomes cultivated for its large deeply lobed deep bluish-green fronds |
asplenium nigripes, schaffneria nigripes, scolopendrium nigripes | A fern of the genus Schaffneria |
christella | Any of several tropical ferns of the genus Christella having thin brittle fronds |
cryptogramma crispa | Dwarf deciduous lithophytic ferns |
culantrillo | Any of various small to large terrestrial ferns of the genus Adiantum having delicate palmately branched fronds |
culcita dubia, falso helecho | resembles Pteridium aquilinum |
davallia | Any fern of the genus Davallia |
drynaria rigidula, helecho de espada | giant epiphytic or lithophytic fern |
helecho | fern of southeastern Asia |
lecanopteris | Any of several bizarre ferns of the genus Lecanopteris having swollen hollow rhizomes that provide homes for symbiotic ants |
lipfern | Any of various terrestrial ferns of the genus Cheilanthes |
matorral | Any of various ferns of the genus Pteris having pinnately compound leaves and including several popular houseplants |
pecopteris | Carboniferous fossil fern characterized by a regular arrangement of the leaflets resembling a comb |
polipodio | Any of numerous ferns of the genus Polypodium |
pteridium | large coarse fern often several feet high |
pteris serrulata | fern of North Africa and Azores and Canary Islands |
woodsia | Any fern of the genus Woodsia |
General | pteridofita | plants having vascular tissue and reproducing by spores |
Inglés | fern |
Catalán | falaguera, falguera |