Sentido | Surgical removal of a body part or tissue. |
Sinónimos | ablación, excisión, extirpación |
Específico | ablación del clítoris, circunsición femenina, clitoridectomía | excision of the clitoris |
adenoamigdalectomía, adenoidectomía | Surgical removal of the adenoids |
adrenalectomía, suprarenalectomy | Surgical removal of one or both adrenal glands |
amigdalectomía | Surgical removal of the palatine tonsils |
apendicectomía | Surgical removal of the vermiform appendix |
colecistectomía | Surgical removal of the gall bladder (usually for relief of gallstone pain) |
esplenectomía | Surgical removal of the spleen |
hipofisectomía | Surgical removal of the pituitary gland |
histerectomia, histerectomía | Surgical removal of the uterus |
laringectomía | Surgical removal of part or all of the larynx (usually to treat cancer of the larynx) |
litotomía | Surgical removal of a stone (calculus) |
lobectomía | Surgical removal of a lobe from any organ of the body (as the lung or brain) |
mastectomía | Surgical removal of a breast to remove a malignant tumor |
mastoidectomía | Surgical removal of some or all of the mastoid process |
nefrectomía | Surgical removal of a kidney |
neumonectomía | Surgical removal of a lung (usually to treat lung cancer) |
ooforectomía | Surgical removal of one of both ovaries |
ooforosalpingectomía | surgical removal of one or both ovaries and the corresponding Fallopian tubes |
orquidectomia, orquidectomía, orquiectomía | Surgical removal of one or both testicles |
pancreatectomía | Surgical removal of part or all of the pancreas |
prostatectomía | Surgical removal of part or all of the prostate gland |
simpatectomía | Surgical interruption of a nerve pathway in the sympathetic nervous system |
tiroidectomía | Surgical removal of the thyroid gland |
vasectomía | surgical procedure that removes all or part of the vas deferens (usually as a means of sterilization) |
General | cirugía, intervención, operación, procedimiento quirúrgico | A medical procedure involving an incision with instruments |
Inglés | ablation, extirpation, cutting out, excision |
Catalán | ablació, excisió, exèresi, extirpació |
Verbos | extirpar | surgically remove (an organ) |