Sentido | graceful Old World ruminant with long legs and horns directed upward and backward; includes gazelles; springboks; impalas; addax; gerenuks; blackbucks; dik-diks. |
Sinónimo | antilope |
Específico | adax, addax nasomaculatus | large antelope with lightly spiraled horns of desert regions of northern Africa |
aepyceros melampus, Aepyceros Melampus, impala | African antelope with ridged curved horns |
alcelafo, bubal | A large African antelope with lyre-shaped horns that curve backward |
antilope cervicapra | Common Indian antelope with a dark back and spiral horns |
antílope jirafa, gacela de Waller, gerenuc, gerenuk, litocranius walleri, Litocranius Walleri | slender East African antelope with slim neck and backward-curving horns |
bongo | large forest / forest antelope of central Africa having a reddish-brown coat with white stripes and spiral horns |
boselaphus tragocamelus, nilgai | large Indian antelope |
connochaetes, gnu, ñu | large African antelope having a head with horns like an ox and a long tufted tail |
cudú, koudou, kudu | Either of two spiral-horned antelopes of the African bush |
dik-dik, madoqua | Any of several small antelopes of eastern Africa of the genus Madoqua |
gacela | small swift graceful antelope of Africa and Asia having lustrous eyes |
kobus ellipsiprymnus | Any of several large African antelopes of the genus Kobus having curved ridged horns and frequenting e.g. swamps and rivers |
kobus vardonii, puku | An African antelope closely related to the waterbuck |
orix, oryx | large African antelope with long straight nearly upright horns |
raphicerus campestris, steinbok | small plains antelope of southeastern Africa |
saiga | Goat-like antelope of central Eurasia having a stubby nose like a proboscis |
sassaby, topi | A large South African antelope |
General | bovidae, bóvido, bóvidos | hollow-horned ruminants |
Inglés | antelope |
Catalán | antílop |