English > sewing stitch: 1 sense > noun 1, artifactMeaning | A stitch made with thread and a threaded sewing needle through fabric or leather. |
Synonym | embroidery stitch |
Narrower | French knot | A stitch made by looping the thread several times around the needle before inserting it into the fabric |
backstitch | An overlapping stitch made by starting the next / next stitch at the middle of the preceding one |
bargello, flame stitch | needlepoint embroidery stitch that produces zigzag lines |
baste, basting, basting stitch, tacking | A loose temporary sewing stitch to hold layers of fabric together |
blanket stitch | A strong reinforcing stitch for edges of blanket and other thick material |
buttonhole stitch | A reinforcing looped stitch for edges, as around a buttonhole |
chain stitch | A looped stitch resembling the links of a chain |
cross-stitch | Two stitches forming a cross or X |
fagot stitch, faggot stitch | The stitch that ties a group of parallel threads together in fagoting |
gros point | A needlepoint stitch covering two horizontal and two vertical threads |
hemming-stitch | A stitch used in sewing hems on skirts and dresses |
hemstitch, hemstitching | A stitch in which parallel threads are drawn and exposed threads are caught together in groups |
machine stitch, sewing-machine stitch | A sewing stitch made by a sewing machine, sometimes using more than one thread |
overhand stitch | A stitch passing over an edge vertically |
petit point, tent stitch | A small diagonal needlepoint stitch |
picot | An edging of small loops, as on lace or ribbon |
quilting | stitching through layers of fabric and a filling so as to create a design |
running stitch | small, even, hand stitches run in and out |
saddle stitch | A decorative overcast or running stitch, especially in a contrasting color |
satin stitch | Flat stitches worked so closely as to resemble satin |
slip stitch | A loose stitch catching only a thread or two of fabric |
tailor's tack | A loose, looped, sewing stitch used to transfer marking for darts, etc., from a pattern to material |
whipstitch, whipping, whipstitching | A sewing stitch passing over an edge diagonally |
Broader | stitch | A link or loop or knot made by an implement in knitting, crocheting, embroidery, or sewing |