Meaning | low-growing plants planted in deep shade or on a steep slope where turf is difficult to grow. |
Synonym | groundcover |
Narrower | baby's tears, baby tears, Helxine soleirolia, Soleirolia soleirolii | prostrate or creeping Corsican herb with moss-like small round short-stemmed leaves |
pearlwort, pearlweed, pearl-weed | Any of various low-growing plants of the genus Sagina having small spherical flowers resembling pearls |
rupturewort, Hernaria glabra | Common prostrate Old World herb often used as a ground cover |
whitlowwort | Any of various low-growing tufted plants of the genus Paronychia having tiny greenish flowers and usually whorled leaves |
Broader | vegetation, flora, botany | All the plant life in a particular region or period |