English > demolition: 2 senses > noun 1, eventMeaning | An event (or the result of an event) that completely destroys something. |
Synonyms | destruction, wipeout |
Narrower | annihilation, disintegration | Total destruction |
eradication, obliteration | The complete destruction of every trace of something |
ravage, depredation | (usually plural) a destructive action |
razing, wrecking | The event of a structure being completely demolished and leveled |
ruin, ruination | An event that results in destruction |
wrack, rack | The destruction or collapse of something |
Broader | ending, conclusion, finish | event whose occurrence ends something |
Spanish | demolición, derribo, derrumbamiento, destrucción |
Catalan | demolició, destrucció, enderrocament, enderroc |
Verbs | demolish | destroy completely |