Sentit | Any one of the countries occupying the European continent. |
Sinònims | Europa, nació europea |
Espècimens | Alemania, Alemània, Alemanya, Alemanya Occidental, Deutschland, República Federal Alemanya, RFA | A republic in central Europe |
Alemania de l'Est, Alemanya Oriental, RDA, República Democràtica Alemanya | A republic in north central Europe on the Baltic |
Alemanya | A republic in north central Europe on the North Sea |
Andorra | A small republic in the eastern Pyrenees between Spain and France |
Anglaterra | A division of the United Kingdom |
Austria, Àustria, República d'Àustria | A mountainous republic in central Europe |
Belarus, Bielorrússia, bielorús, Bielorússia | A landlocked republic in eastern Europe |
Bèlgica | A monarchy in northwestern Europe |
Bòsnia i Hercegovina, Bòsnia | A mountainous republic of south-central Europe |
Croàcia | A republic in the western Balkans in south-central Europe in the eastern Adriatic coastal area |
Eire, Irlanda, República d'Irlanda, República Irlandesa | A republic consisting of 26 of 32 counties comprising the island of Ireland |
Escòcia | One of the four countries that make up the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
Eslovàquia | A landlocked republic in central Europe |
Eslovènia | A mountainous republic in central Europe |
España, Espanya, Regne d'Espanya, Spain | A parliamentary monarchy in southwestern Europe on the Iberian Peninsula |
Finlàndia, República de Finlàndia | republic in northern Europe |
Flandes francès, Flandes | A medieval country in northern Europe that included regions now parts of northern France and Belgium and southwestern Netherlands |
Holanda, Països Baixos | A constitutional monarchy in western Europe on the North Sea |
Hongria | A republic in central Europe |
Irlanda del Nord | A division of the United Kingdom located on the northern part of the island of Ireland |
Islàndia | An island republic on the island of Iceland |
Italia, Itàlia, República Italiana | A republic in southern Europe on the Italian Peninsula |
Iugoslàvia | A former country of southeastern Europe bordering the Adriatic Sea |
Iuguslàvia, Sèrbia i Montenegro | A mountainous republic in southeastern Europe bordering on the Adriatic Sea |
Liechtenstein | A small landlocked principality (constitutional monarchy) in central Europe located in the Alps between Austria and Switzerland |
Luxembourg, Luxemburg | A grand duchy (a constitutional monarchy) landlocked in northwestern Europe between France and Belgium and Germany |
Moldàvia, Moldova | A landlocked republic in eastern Europe |
Mónaco, Mònaco, Principat de Mònaco | A constitutional monarchy in a tiny enclave on the French Riviera |
Polonia, Polònia | A republic in central Europe |
Portugal | A republic in southwestern Europe on the Iberian Peninsula |
República, República Txeca, Txèquia | A landlocked republic in central Europe |
República de San Marino, San Marino, San | The smallest republic in the world |
Romania | A republic in southeastern Europe with a short coastline on the Black Sea |
Suïssa | A landlocked federal republic in central Europe |
frança, França, France, República Francesa | A republic in western Europe |
Part de | europa, Europa | The 2nd smallest continent (actually a vast peninsula of Eurasia) |
Específic | Escandinàvia, Països Escandinaus | Any one of the countries occupying Scandinavia |
els Balcans | Any one of the countries on the Balkan Peninsula |
General | estat, nació, país, terra | The territory occupied by a nation |
Anglès | European country, European nation |
Espanyol | Europa, nación europea, países europeos, país europeo |