Sentit | A native or inhabitant of Europe. |
Sinònim | europea |
Específic | Celta, celta | A member of a European people who once occupied Britain and Spain and Gaul prior to Roman times |
Dane, danesa, danés, danès | A native or inhabitant of Denmark |
Frank | A member of the ancient Germanic peoples who spread from the Rhine into the Roman Empire in the 4th century |
albanesa, albanés, albanès | A native or inhabitant of Albania |
alemanya, alemany | A person of German nationality |
andorrà, andorrana | A native or inhabitant of Andorra |
austríac, Austríac | A native or inhabitant of Austria |
basc | A member of a people of unknown origin living in the western Pyrenees in France and Spain |
belga | A native or inhabitant of Belgium |
bielorús | A native or inhabitant of Byelorussia |
britànic | A native or inhabitant of Great Britain |
búlgara, búlgar | A native or inhabitant of Bulgaria |
castellà, espanyola, espanyol | A native or inhabitant of Spain |
cretenca, cretenc, cretense | A native or inhabitant of Crete |
de Gibraltar, gibraltarenya, gibraltareny | A native or inhabitant of Gibraltar |
escandinau | An inhabitant of Scandinavia |
escocesa, escocés, escocès, Scot | A native or inhabitant of Scotland |
eslau, eslava | Any member of the people of eastern Europe or Asian Russia who speak a Slavonic language |
eslovaca, eslovac | A native or inhabitant of Slovakia |
eslovè | A native or inhabitant of Slovenia |
euroasiàtic | A person of mixed European and Asian descent |
finès, finlandesa, finlandés, finlandès, Finn | A native or inhabitant of Finland |
francesa, francés, francès, gal | A person of French nationality |
galés, galès, gal·lès | A native or resident of Wales |
grec, grega, heleno, hel·lè, hel·lènic | A native or inhabitant of Greece |
holandés, holandès, neerlandesa, neerlandés, neerlandès | A native or inhabitant of Holland |
hongarès, magiar | A native or inhabitant of Hungary |
irlandès | A native or inhabitant of Ireland |
islandesa, islandés, islandès | A native or inhabitant of Iceland |
italià, italiana | A native or inhabitant of Italy |
iugoslau | A native or inhabitant of Yugoslavia |
letona | A native or inhabitant of Latvia |
llombard, longobard | A member of a Germanic people who invaded northern Italy in the 6th century |
luxemburguesa, luxemburguès | A native or inhabitant of Luxembourg / Luxembourg |
macedònica, macedònic, macedoni | A native or inhabitant of Macedon |
maltés, maltès | A native or inhabitant of Malta |
monegasc | A native or inhabitant of Monaco |
noruec, noruega | A native or inhabitant of Norway |
polonès | A native or inhabitant of Poland |
portugalesa, portuguesa, portugués, portuguès | A native or inhabitant of Portugal |
romanesa, romanès | A native or inhabitant of Romania |
romà, romana | An inhabitant of the ancient Roman Empire |
sahib | formerly a term of respect for important white Europeans in colonial India |
sajón, saxó, saxona | A member of a Germanic people who conquered England and merged with the Angles and Jutes to become Anglo-Saxons |
sami | A member of an indigenous nomadic people living in northern Scandinavia and herding reindeer |
sueca, suec | A native or inhabitant of Sweden |
teutó | A member of the ancient Germanic people who migrated from Jutland to southern Gaul and were annihilated by the Romans |
traci | An inhabitant of ancient Thrace |
txecoslovac | A native or inhabitant of the former republic of Czechoslovakia |
ucraïnès | A native or inhabitant of the Ukraine |
xipriota | A native or inhabitant of Cyprus |
General | habitant, llatinoamericà, pobladora, poblador, resident, veí, veïna | A person who inhabits a particular place |
Anglès | European |
Espanyol | europea, europeo |