Sentit | A saprophytic fungus of the order Agaricales having an umbrellalike cap with gills on the underside. |
Membre de | Agaricales, Agarical, agaricals | typical gilled mushrooms belonging to the subdivision Basidiomycota |
Específic | Agaricus arvensis | coarse edible mushroom with a hollow stem and a broad white cap |
Agaricus campestris | Common edible mushroom found naturally in moist open soil |
Amanita caesarea | widely distributed edible mushroom resembling the fly agaric |
Amanita muscaria | poisonous (but rarely fatal) woodland fungus having a scarlet cap with white warts and white gills |
Amanita phalloides | Extremely poisonous usually white fungus with a prominent cup-shaped base |
Coprinus comatus | Common edible mushroom having an elongated shaggy white cap and black spores |
Marasmius oreades | mushroom that grows in a fairy ring |
Tricholoma aurantium | An orange tan agaric whose gills become brown by maturity |
Tricholoma pardinum | A poisonous agaric having a pale cap with fine grey fibrils |
amanita mappa | agaric often confused with the death cup |
amanita rubescens, Amanita rubescens, amanita rubescent | yellowish edible agaric that usually turns red when touched |
blewits | edible agaric that is pale lilac when young / young |
bolet verinós | Common name for an inedible or poisonous agaric (contrasting with the edible mushroom) |
cantharellus cibarius, Cantharellus cibarius, chantarelle, rossinyol | widely distributed edible mushroom rich yellow in color with a smooth cap and a pleasant apricot aroma / aroma |
lepiota | Any fungus of the genus Lepiota |
orellana, Pleurotus ostreatus | edible agaric with a soft greyish cap growing in shelving masses on dead wood |
waxycap | Any fungus of the family Hygrophoraceae having gills that are more or less waxy in appearance |
General | basidiomicet | Any of various fungi of the subdivision Basidiomycota |
Anglès | agaric |
Espanyol | agarico, agárico |