Sentido | curving and somewhat round in shape rather than jagged. |
Específico | abovedado, hemisférico | Having a hemispherical vault or dome |
alantoideo | shaped like a sausage |
amigdaloide | shaped like an almond |
anillado, anular, circular | shaped like a ring |
asférico | Varying slightly from a perfectly spherical shape |
auriforme | Having a shape resembling an ear |
bicéfalo, lunado | resembling the new moon in shape |
cicloidal | resembling a circle |
cilíndrica, cilíndrico | Having the form of a cylinder |
elipsoidal, esferoidal | Having the nature or shape of an ellipsoid |
elíptico, oblongo, oval, ovalado, oviforme, ovoide, ovoideo | rounded like an egg |
paraboloidal | Having the shape of a paraboloid |
parabólica, parabólico | Having the form of a parabola |
pineal | Having the form of a pine cone |
rotundo | Spherical in shape |
terete | especially of plant parts |
También | bobinado, enrollado, enroscado | curled or wound (especially in concentric rings or spirals) |
carnoso | Having an (over)abundance of flesh |
circular, redondo | Having a circular shape |
Contrario | angular, anguloso | Having angles or an angular shape |
Inglés | rounded |
Catalán | arrodonit |