HyperDic: decidido

Español > 7 sentidos de la palabra decidido:
ADJETIVOalldecidido, resueltoserving as or indicating the existence of a purpose or goal
alldecidido, atrevido, osado, resueltostrongly motivated to succeed
alldecidido, resueltocharacterized by quickness and firmness
alldecidido, resueltomarked by vigorous independence of thought and judgment
alldecidido, resueltohaving a determined will
alldecidido, determinado, resueltocharacterized by great determination
alldecidido, empeñadofixed in your purpose
Español > decidido: 7 sentidos > adjetivo 1
SentidoServing as or indicating the existence of a purpose or goal.
Específicoformal, serionot distracted by anything unrelated to the goal
intencionadoHaving a purpose
TambiénresueltoFirm in purpose or belief
significativoHaving a meaning / meaning or purpose
NombresintencionalidadThe quality of having a definite purpose
Español > decidido: 7 sentidos > adjetivo 2
Sentidostrongly motivated to succeed.
Sinónimosatrevido, osado, resuelto
GeneralambiciosoHaving a strong desire for success / success or achievement
Ingléscompulsive, determined, driven
Catalánagosarat, atrevit, decidit, resolt
AdverbiosambiciosamenteWith ambition
Español > decidido: 7 sentidos > adjetivo 3
SentidoCharacterized by quickness and firmness.
Inglésunhesitating, resolute
Catalándecidit, resolt, resolut
Nombresdeterminación, firmeza, resoluciónThe trait of being resolute
AdverbiosindudablementeWithout hesitation / hesitation
Español > decidido: 7 sentidos > adjetivo 4
Sentidomarked by vigorous independence of thought and judgment.
GeneralindependienteFree from external control and constraint / constraint
Español > decidido: 7 sentidos > adjetivo 5
SentidoHaving a determined will.
Generalcabezota, obstinada, obstinado, pertinaz, reaccionaria, terco, testarudo, tozudotenaciously unwilling or marked by tenacious unwillingness to yield
Inglésstrong-minded, strong-willed
Español > decidido: 7 sentidos > adjetivo 6
SentidoCharacterized by great determination.
Sinónimosdeterminado, resuelto
GeneralresueltoFirm in purpose or belief
Adverbiosconstantemente, decididamente, firmemente, inquebrantablemente, rígidamenteWith determination
Español > decidido: 7 sentidos > adjetivo 7
SentidoFixed in your purpose.
GeneralresueltoFirm in purpose or belief
Inglésbent, bent on, dead set, out to

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