Sentido | The time of day immediately following sunset. |
Sinónimos | anochecer, anochecido, atardecer, atardecida, crepuscle, crepúsculo, evenfall, gloam, ocaso |
Part de | anochecer, atardecer, even, noche, tarde | The latter part of the day (the period of decreasing daylight from late afternoon until nightfall) |
Específico | noche | A shortening of nightfall |
General | hora del día, hora | clock time |
Inglés | twilight, dusk, gloaming, gloam, nightfall, evenfall, fall, crepuscule, crepuscle |
Catalán | capvespre, crepuscle, crepuscle vespertí, evenfall, gloam, vespre |
Adjetivo | crepuscular | like twilight |
crepuscular | lighted by or as if by twilight |