HyperDic: victual

English > 4 senses of the word victual:
VERBpossessionvictualsupply with food
possessionvictuallay in provisions / provisions
consumptionvictualtake in nourishment
NOUNfoodvictual, comestible, edible, eatable, pabulum, victualsany substance that can be used as food
English > victual: 4 senses > noun 1, food
MeaningAny substance that can be used as food.
Synonymscomestible, edible, eatable, pabulum, victuals
Narrowertuckeatables (especially sweets / sweets)
Broaderfood, nutrientAny substance that can be metabolized by an animal to give energy and build tissue
Spanishcomestible, comestibles, vianda, vitualla, vituallas, víveres
Catalancomestible, comestibles, queviures, vianda, vitualles
Verbsvictualtake in nourishment
victuallay in provisions / provisions
victualsupply with food
English > victual: 4 senses > verb 1, possession
MeaningSupply with food.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Somebody ----s somebody
Example"The population was victualed during the war"
Broadersupply, provide, render, furnishGive something useful or necessary to
Spanishabastecer, avituallar
Nounsvictualany substance that can be used as food
victualer, victuallera supplier of victuals or supplies to an army
victualer, victualleran innkeeper (especially British)
English > victual: 4 senses > verb 2, possession
Meaninglay in provisions / provisions.
PatternSomething ----s; Somebody ----s
Example"The vessel victualled before the long voyage"
Broaderstore, hive away, lay in, put in, salt away, stack away, stash awayKeep or lay aside for future use
Spanishaprovisionar, avituallar
Nounsvictualany substance that can be used as food
English > victual: 4 senses > verb 3, consumption
Meaningtake in nourishment.
PatternSomebody ----s
BroadereatEat a meal
Spanishavituallarse, avituallar
Nounsvictualany substance that can be used as food

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