HyperDic: pate

English Index > 39 words start with PATE:

pate | pate a choux | pate de foie gras | pate feuillete | patella / Patella | Patella vulgata | patellar | patellar reflex | Patellidae | patelliform | patency | patent | Patent and Trademark Office Database | patent application | patent ductus arteriosus | patent infringement | patent law | patent leather | patent log | patent medicine | patent of invention | Patent Office | patent right | patent system | patented | patentee | patently | pater | paterfamilias | paternal | paternal quality | paternalism | paternalistic | paternally | paternity | paternity suit | paternity test | Paternoster / paternoster | Paterson

There are 147478 English words in this edition of the HyperDic 3.1 online hyper-dictionary.

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