Meaning | Any of several small lithophytic ferns of tropical and warm temperate regions. |
Synonyms | cliff-brake, rock brake |
Member of | Pellaea, genus Pellaea | genus of chiefly small rock-loving ferns |
Narrower | bird's-foot fern, Pellaea mucronata, Pellaea ornithopus | cliff brake of California and Baja California having purple-brown leafstalks |
coffee fern, Pellaea andromedifolia | evergreen fern of California and Baja California |
purple rock brake, Pellaea atropurpurea | Very short shallowly creeping North American fern usually growing on cliffs or walls and having dark glossy leaf axes |
Broader | fern | Any of numerous flowerless and seedless vascular plants having true roots from a rhizome and fronds that uncurl upward |