English > bird genus: 1 sense > noun 1, animalMeaning | A genus of birds. |
Member of | Vertebrata, subphylum Vertebrata, Craniata, subphylum Craniata | fishes |
Narrower | Acanthisitta, genus Acanthisitta | A genus of Xenicidae |
Accipiter, genus Accipiter | type genus of the family Accipitridae |
Acridotheres, genus Acridotheres | mynas |
Acrocephalus, genus Acrocephalus | A genus of Sylviidae |
Actitis, genus Actitis | A genus of Scolopacidae |
Aegypius, genus Aegypius | A genus of Accipitridae |
Agapornis, genus Agapornis | A genus of Psittacidae |
Agelaius, genus Agelaius | red-winged blackbirds |
Agriocharis, genus Agriocharis | A genus of birds of the family Meleagrididae including the ocellated turkey |
Aix, genus Aix | wood duck and mandarin duck |
Ajaia, genus Ajaia | A genus of Platalea |
Alauda, genus Alauda | type genus of the Alaudidae |
Alca, genus Alca | type genus of the Alcidae comprising solely the razorbill |
Alcedo, genus Alcedo | type genus of the Alcedinidae |
Alectoris, genus Alectoris | A genus of Perdicidae |
Alectura, genus Alectura | brush turkeys |
Amazona, genus Amazona | A genus of Psittacidae |
Anas, genus Anas | type genus of the Anatidae |
Anastomus, genus Anastomus | openbills |
Anhima, genus Anhima | type genus of the Anhimidae |
Anser, genus Anser | typical geese |
Anthus, genus Anthus | pipits |
Aphriza, genus Aphriza | A genus of Scolopacidae |
Aptenodytes, genus Aptenodytes | large penguins |
Apus, genus Apus | type genus |
Aquila, genus Aquila | A genus of Accipitridae |
Ara, genus Ara | macaws |
Aramus, genus Aramus | genus of large brown long-billed wading birds found in warm swampy regions of the western hemisphere |
Archilochus, genus Archilochus | A genus of Trochilidae |
Ardea, genus Ardea | type genus of the Ardeidae |
Arenaria, genus Arenaria | turnstones |
Argusianus, genus Argusianus | argus pheasants |
Artamus, genus Artamus | type genus of the Artamidae |
Asio, genus Asio | A genus of European owls |
Athene, genus Athene | A genus of Strigidae |
Atrichornis, genus Atrichornis | type genus of the Atrichornithidae |
Aulacorhyncus, genus Aulacorhyncus | A genus of Ramphastidae |
Auriparus, genus Auriparus | A genus of Paridae |
Aythya, genus Aythya | canvasback |
Balaeniceps, genus Balaeniceps | type genus of the Balaenicipitidae |
Bartramia, genus Bartramia | A genus of Scolopacidae |
Bombycilla, genus bombycilla | waxwings |
Bonasa, genus Bonasa | ruffed grouse |
Botaurus, genus Botaurus | bitterns |
Branta, genus Branta | wild geese |
Bubo, genus Bubo | A genus of Strigidae |
Bubulcus, genus Bubulcus | small white egrets |
Bucephala, genus Bucephala | buffleheads and goldeneyes |
Buceros, genus Buceros | type genus of the family Bucerotidae |
Burhinus, genus Burhinus | type genus of the Burhinidae |
Buteo, genus Buteo | Broad-winged soaring hawks |
Cacicus, genus Cacicus | A genus of tropical American orioles |
Cairina, genus Cairina | A genus of Anatidae |
Calidris, genus Calidris | A genus of Scolopacidae |
Campephilus, genus Campephilus | A genus of Picidae |
Campylorhynchus, genus Campylorhynchus, Heleodytes, genus Heleodytes | Alternative classifications for the cactus wrens |
Canachites, genus Canachites | spruce grouse |
Caprimulgus, genus Caprimulgus | type genus of the Caprimulgidae |
Carduelis, genus Carduelis | In some classifications considered the type genus of a subfamily Carduelinae of the family Fringillidae |
Cariama, genus Cariama | The type genus of the Cariamidae comprising only the crested cariama |
Carpodacus, genus Carpodacus | house finches and purple finches |
Casmerodius, genus Casmerodius | A white egrets |
Casuarius, genus Casuarius | type and sole genus of the Casuaridae |
Catharacta, genus Catharacta | skuas |
Cathartes, genus Cathartes | type genus of the Cathartidae |
Catoptrophorus, genus Catoptrophorus | willet |
Centrocercus, genus Centrocercus | sage grouse |
Centropus, genus Centropus | A genus of Cuculidae |
Cephalopterus, genus Cephalopterus | A genus of Cotingidae |
Cepphus, genus Cepphus | A genus of birds including |
Certhia, genus Certhia | type genus of the Certhiidae |
Ceryle, genus Ceryle | A genus of birds of the family Alcedinidae |
Chalcostigma, genus Chalcostigma | thornbills |
Chamaea, genus Chamaea | A genus of Paridae |
Charadrius, genus Charadrius | type genus of the Charadriidae |
Chateura, genus Chateura | A genus of Apodidae |
Chauna, genus Chauna | crested screamers |
Chen, subgenus Chen | wild goose having white adult plumage |
Chlamydera, genus Chlamydera | A genus of Ptilonorhynchidae |
Chlorophoneus, genus Chlorophoneus | A genus of Malaconotinae |
Chlorura, genus Chlorura | towhees |
Chordeiles, genus Chordeiles | A genus of Caprimulgidae |
Choriotis, genus Choriotis | Australian bustard |
Chrysolophus, genus Chrysolophus | golden pheasants |
Ciconia, genus Ciconia | type genus of the Ciconiidae |
Cinclus, genus Cinclus | type genus of the family Cinclidae |
Circaetus, genus Circaetus | harrier eagles |
Circus, genus Circus | A genus of haws comprising the harriers |
Cistothorus, genus Cistothorus | marsh wrens |
Cladorhyncus, genus Cladorhyncus | One of two genera of stilts |
Clangula, genus Clangula | A genus of ducks |
Coccothraustes, genus Coccothraustes | large finches |
Coccyzus, genus Coccyzus | A genus of Cuculidae |
Cochlearius, genus Cochlearius | boatbills |
Coereba, genus Coereba | type genus of the Coerebidae |
Colaptes, genus Colaptes | A genus of Picidae |
Colinus, genus Colinus | (New World quail) the bobwhites |
Collocalia, genus Collocalia | A genus of Apodidae |
Columba, genus Columba | type genus of the Columbidae |
Contopus, genus Contopus | pewees |
Conuropsis, genus Conuropsis | A genus of Psittacidae |
Coracias, genus Coracias | type genus of the Coraciidae |
Coragyps, genus Coragyps | A genus of Cathartidae |
Corvus, genus Corvus | type genus of the Corvidae |
Coturnix, genus Coturnix | Old World quail |
Cracticus, genus Cracticus | type genus of the Cracticidae |
Crax, genus Crax | type genus of the Cracidae |
Crex, genus Crex | corncrakes |
Crocethia, genus Crocethia | A genus of Scolopacidae |
Crotophaga, genus Crotophaga | ani |
Cuculus, genus Cuculus | type genus of the Cuculidae |
Cursorius, genus Cursorius | Coursers |
Cyanocitta, genus Cyanocitta | New World jays |
Cygnus, genus Cygnus | A genus of Anatidae |
Dacelo, genus Dacelo | Australasian kingfishers |
Delichon, genus Delichon | A genus of Hirundinidae |
Dendrocolaptes, genus Dendrocolaptes | type genus of the Dendrocolaptidae |
Dendroica, genus Dendroica | A genus of Parulidae |
Dinornis, genus Dinornis | type genus of the Dinornithidae |
Dolichonyx, genus Dolichonyx | bobolinks |
Drepanis, genus Drepanis | A genus of Drepanididae |
Dromaius, genus Dromaius | A genus of birds in the order Casuariiformes |
Dumetella, genus Dumetella | catbirds |
Ectopistes, genus Ectopistes | A genus of Columbidae |
Egretta, genus Egretta | small Old and New World herons |
Elanoides, genus Elanoides | A genus of kites |
Elanus, genus Elanus | A genus of small kites of both Old and New Worlds |
Emberiza, genus Emberiza | Old World buntings |
Ephippiorhynchus, genus Ephippiorhynchus | saddlebills |
Erithacus, genus Erithacus | Old World thrushes |
Erolia, genus Erolia | A genus of Scolopacidae |
Estrilda, genus Estrilda | avadavats |
Eudyptes, genus Eudyptes | rock hoppers |
Euphagus, genus Euphagus | A genus of Icteridae |
Falco, genus Falco | A genus of Falconidae |
Formicarius, genus Formicarius | type genus of the Formicariidae |
Fratercula, genus Fratercula | puffins |
Fregata, genus Fregata | type genus of the Fregatidae |
Fringilla, genus Fringilla | type genus of the Fringillidae |
Fulica, genus Fulica | coots |
Fulmarus, genus Fulmarus | fulmars |
Furnarius, genus Furnarius | type genus of the family Furnariidae |
Gallinago, genus Gallinago, Capella, genus Capella | snipes |
Gallinula, genus Gallinula | gallinules |
Gallirallus, genus Gallirallus | rails of New Zealand |
Gallus, genus Gallus | Common domestic birds and related forms |
Garrulus, genus Garrulus | type genus of the Garrulinae |
Gavia, genus Gavia | type genus of the Gavidae |
Geococcyx, genus Geococcyx | roadrunners |
Geothlypis, genus Geothlypis | yellowthroats |
Glareola, genus Glareola | type genus of the Glareolidae |
Glossopsitta, genus Glossopsitta | A genus of Loriinae |
Gracula, genus Gracula | mynas |
Grus, genus Grus | type genus of the Gruidae |
Gymnogyps, genus Gymnogyps | Containing solely the California condor |
Gymnorhina, genus Gymnorhina | In some classifications placed in the family Laniidae |
Gypaetus, genus Gypaetus | In some classifications the type genus of the family Aegypiidae |
Gyps, genus Gyps | A genus of Accipitridae |
Haematopus, genus Haematopus | oystercatchers |
Halcyon, genus Halcyon | A large kingfisher widely distributed in warmer parts of the Old World |
Haliaeetus, genus Haliaeetus | A genus of Accipitridae |
Harpia, genus Harpia | A genus of Accipitridae |
Hesperiphona, genus Hesperiphona | evening grosbeak |
Heteroscelus, genus Heteroscelus | tattlers |
Himantopus, genus Himantopus | major one of two genera of stilts |
Hirundo, genus Hirundo | type genus of the Hirundinidae |
Hydrobates, genus Hydrobates | type genus of the Hydrobatidae |
Hylocichla, genus Hylocichla | (American thrush) wood thrush |
Hylophylax, genus Hylophylax | A genus of Formicariidae |
Icteria, genus Icteria | New World chats |
Icterus, genus Icterus | type genus of the Icteridae |
Irena, genus Irena | type genus of the Irenidae |
Iridoprocne, genus Iridoprocne | A genus of Hirundinidae |
Ixobrychus, genus Ixobrychus | bitterns |
Jynx, genus Jynx | wrynecks |
Kakatoe, genus Kakatoe, Cacatua, genus Cacatua | A genus of Psittacidae |
Lagopus, genus Lagopus | ptarmigans |
Lanius, genus Lanius | type genus of the Laniidae |
Larus, genus Larus | type genus of the Laridae |
Leptoptilus, genus Leptoptilus | adjutant birds and marabous |
Limnocryptes, genus Limnocryptes | snipe |
Limnodromus, genus Limnodromus | dowitchers |
Limosa, genus Limosa | godwits |
Lobipes, genus Lobipes | A genus of Phalaropidae |
Lofortyx, genus Lofortyx | California quail |
Lophodytes, genus Lophodytes | A genus of Merginae |
Lophophorus, genus Lophophorus | monals |
Loxia, genus Loxia | crossbill |
Lunda, genus Lunda | puffins |
Luscinia, genus Luscinia | nightingales |
Lyrurus, genus Lyrurus | black grouse |
Macrocephalon, genus Macrocephalon | maleos |
Macronectes, genus Macronectes | giant petrels |
Megapodius, genus-Megapodius | type genus of the Megapodiidae |
Melanerpes, genus Melanerpes | A genus of Picidae |
Melanitta, genus Melanitta | scoters |
Melanotis, genus Melanotis | A genus of Mimidae |
Meleagris, genus Meleagris | type genus of the Meleagrididae |
Melopsittacus, genus Melopsittacus | A genus of Psittacidae |
Melospiza, genus Melospiza | American song sparrow and swamp sparrow |
Menura, genus Menura | type and sole genus of the family Menuridae |
Mergus, genus Mergus | mergansers |
Merops, genus Merops | type genus of the Meropidae |
Milvus, genus-Milvus | A genus including the common European kits |
Mimus, genus Mimus | type genus of the family Mimidae |
Molothrus, genus Molothrus | cowbirds |
Momotus, genus Momotus | type genus of the Momotidae |
Motacilla, genus Motacilla | type genus of the Motacillidae |
Muscicapa, genus Muscicapa | type genus of the Muscicapidae |
Muscivora, genus Muscivora | A genus of Tyrannidae |
Musophaga, genus Musophaga | type genus of the Musophagidae |
Myadestes, genus Myadestes | solitaires |
Mycteria, genus Mycteria | A genus of storks of the family Ciconiidae now including only the American wood ibis |
Neophron, genus Neophron | A genus of Accipitridae |
Nestor, genus Nestor | A genus of Psittacidae |
Nucifraga, genus Nucifraga | nutcrackers |
Numenius, genus Numenius | curlews |
Numida, genus Numida | guinea fowl |
Nyctanassa, genus Nyctanassa | American night herons |
Nycticorax, genus Nycticorax | Old World night herons |
Nymphicus, genus Nymphicus | A genus of Psittacidae |
Oceanites, genus Oceanites | A genus of Hydrobatidae |
Odontophorus, genus Odontophorus | genus of Central and South American crested partridges resembling quails |
Oenanthe, genus Oenanthe | wheatears |
Opisthocomus, genus Opisthocomus | type genus of the Opisthocomidae |
Oreortyx, genus Oreortyx | mountain quail of western United States |
Oriolus, genus Oriolus | type genus of the Oriolidae |
Ortalis, genus Ortalis | chachalacas |
Orthotomus, genus Orthotomus | tailorbirds |
Otis, genus Otis | type genus of the Otididae |
Otus, genus Otus | A genus of Strigidae |
Oxyura, genus Oxyura | ruddy duck |
Pachycephala, genus Pachycephala | arboreal insectivorous birds |
Padda, genus Padda | A genus of Ploceidae |
Pagophila, genus Pagophila | A genus of Laridae |
Pandion, genus Pandion | type genus of the Pandionidae |
Parula, genus Parula | type genus of the Parulidae |
Parus, genus Parus | type genus of the family Paridae |
Passer, genus Passer | type genus of the Passeridae |
Passerina, genus Passerina | A genus of small North American finches including the New World buntings |
Pastor, subgenus Pastor | Only the rose-colored starlings |
Pavo, genus Pavo | peafowl |
Pedioecetes, genus Pedioecetes | sharp-tailed grouse |
Pedionomus, genus Pedionomus | plain wanderer |
Pelecanus, genus Pelecanus | type genus of the Pelecanidae |
Penelope, genus Penelope | A genus of guans (turkey-like arboreal birds valued as game / game and food birds) |
Perdix, genus Perdix | A genus of Perdicinae |
Perisoreus, genus Perisoreus | Canada jays |
Pernis, genus Pernis | A common European bird of prey |
Pezophaps, genus Pezophaps | constituted by the extinct solitaire |
Phaethon, genus Phaethon | type genus of the Phaethontidae |
Phalacrocorax, genus Phalacrocorax | type genus |
Phalaenoptilus, genus Phalaenoptilus | A genus of Caprimulgidae |
Phalaropus, genus Phalaropus | type genus of the Phalaropidae |
Pharomacrus, genus Pharomacrus | A genus of Trogonidae |
Phasianus, genus Phasianus | type genus of the Phasianidae |
Philohela, genus Philohela | American woodcocks |
Philomachus, genus Philomachus | ruffs |
Phoeniculus, genus Phoeniculus | type and only genus of the family Phoeniculidae |
Phoenicurus, genus Phoenicurus | Old World thrushes |
Phylloscopus, genus Phylloscopus | warblers |
Pica, genus Pica | magpies |
Picoides, genus Picoides | A genus of Picidae |
Picumnus, genus Picumnus | A genus of Picidae |
Picus, genus Picus | type genus of Picidae |
Pinguinus, genus Pinguinus | great auk |
Pinicola, genus Pinicola | A genus of Fringillidae |
Pipile, genus Pipile | genus of large crested guans (the piping guans) |
Pipilo, genus Pipilo | towhees |
Pipra, genus Pipra | type genus of the Pipridae containing the typical manakins |
Piranga, genus Piranga | A genus of Thraupidae |
Platalea, genus Platalea | type genus of the Plataleidae |
Plautus, genus Plautus | A genus of Alcidae |
Plectrophenax, genus Plectrophenax | snow bunting |
Ploceus, genus Ploceus | type genus of the Ploceidae |
Pluvialis, genus Pluvialis | golden plovers |
Pluvianus, genus Pluvianus | Coursers |
Podargus, genus Podargus | type genus of the Podargidae |
Podiceps, genus Podiceps | type genus of the Podicipedidae |
Podilymbus, genus Podilymbus | A genus of Podicipedidae |
Poephila, genus Poephila | Grassfinches |
Polioptila, genus Polioptila | New World gnatcatchers |
Polyborus, genus Polyborus | A genus of Falconidae |
Pooecetes, genus Pooecetes | A genus of Fringillidae |
Porphyrio, genus Porphyrio | Old World purple gallinules |
Porphyrula, genus Porphyrula | American purple gallinules |
Porzana, genus Porzana | spotted crakes |
Prinia, genus Prinia | A genus of Sylviidae |
Procellaria, genus Procellaria | type genus of the Procellariidae |
Procnias, genus Procnias | bellbirds |
Progne, genus Progne | A genus of Hirundinidae |
Prunella, genus Prunella | type genus of the Prunellidae |
Psaltriparus, genus Psaltriparus | A genus of Paridae |
Psittacula, genus Psittacula | A genus of Psittacidae |
Psittacus, genus Psittacus | type genus of the Psittacidae |
Psophia, genus Psophia | type genus of the Psophiidae |
Pterocles, genus Pterocles | type genus of the Pteroclididae |
Pterocnemia, genus Pterocnemia | A genus of birds of the family Rheidae |
Ptilonorhynchus, genus Ptilonorhynchus | type genus of the Ptilonorhynchidae |
Ptloris, genus Ptloris | A genus of Paradisaeidae |
Puffinus, genus Puffinus | shearwaters |
Pygoscelis, genus Pygoscelis | A genus of Spheniscidae |
Pyrocephalus, genus Pyrocephalus | A genus of Tyrannidae |
Pyrrhula, genus Pyrrhula | bullfinches |
Quiscalus, genus Quiscalus | grackles |
Ramphomicron, genus Ramphomicron | thornbills |
Raphus, genus Raphus | type genus of the Raphidae |
Recurvirostra, genus Recurvirostra | type genus of the Recurvirostridae |
Regulus, genus Regulus | A genus of birds of the family Sylviidae including kinglets |
Richmondena, genus Richmondena | cardinals |
Riparia, genus Riparia | A genus of Hirundinidae |
Rissa, genus Rissa | A genus of Laridae |
Rupicola, genus Rupicola | cock ... / cock of the rocks |
Rynchops, genus Rynchops | type genus of the Rynchopidae |
Sagittarius, genus Sagittarius | type genus of the Sagittariidae |
Salpinctes, genus Salpinctes | A genus of Troglodytidae |
Sarcorhamphus, genus Sarcorhamphus | usually containing only the king vulture |
Saxicola, genus Saxicola | Old World chats |
Sayornis, genus Sayornis | phoebes |
Sceloglaux, genus Sceloglaux | A genus of Strigidae |
Scolopax, genus Scolopax | type of the Scolopacidae |
Seiurus, genus Seiurus | ovenbirds and water thrushes |
Serinus, genus Serinus | Old World finches |
Setophaga, genus Setophaga | A genus of Parulidae |
Sialia, genus Sialia | North American bluebirds |
Silvia, genus Silvia | type genus of the Sylviidae |
Sitta, genus Sitta | type genus of the Sittidae |
Somateria, genus Somateria | eider ducks |
Sphecotheres, genus Sphecotheres | A genus of Old World orioles |
Spheniscus, genus Spheniscus | type genus of the Spheniscidae |
Sphyrapicus, genus Sphyrapicus | A genus of Picidae |
Spinus, genus Spinus | In some classifications considered a subgenus of Carduelis |
Spizella, genus Spizella | chipping sparrow |
Steatornis, genus Steatornis | type and sole genus of the family Steatornithidae |
Steganopus, genus Steganopus | A genus of Phalaropidae |
Stercorarius, genus Stercorarius | type genus of the Stercorariidae |
Sterna, genus Sterna | A genus of Sterninae |
Stictopelia, genus Stictopelia | A genus of Columbidae |
Strepera, genus Strepera | bell magpies |
Streptopelia, genus Streptopelia | turtledoves |
Strix, genus Strix | owls lacking ear tufts |
Struthio, genus Struthio | type genus of the Struthionidae |
Sturnella, genus Sturnella | A genus of passerine birds including the meadowlarks |
Sturnus, genus Sturnus | type genus of the Sturnidae |
Sula, genus Sula | type genus of the Sulidae |
Surnia, genus Surnia | A genus of hawk-like owls |
Syrrhaptes, genus Syrrhaptes | A genus of Pteroclididae |
Tadorna, genus Tadorna | sheldrakes |
Tetrao, genus Tetrao | type genus of the Tetraonidae |
Thamnophilus, genus Thamnophilus | A genus of Formicariidae |
Threskiornis, genus Threskiornis | type genus of the Threskiornithidae |
Thryothorus, genus Thryothorus | Carolina wrens |
Tichodroma, genus Tichodroma | wall creepers |
Timalia, genus Timalia | type genus of the Timaliidae |
Todus, genus Todus | type genus of the Todidae |
Toxostoma, genus Toxostoma | thrashers |
Trichoglossus, genus Trichoglossus | A genus of Loriinae |
Tringa, genus Tringa | A genus of Scolopacidae |
Troglodytes, genus Troglodytes | type genus of the Troglodytidae |
Turdus, genus Turdus | type genus of the Turdidae |
Turnix, genus Turnix | type genus of the Turnicidae |
Tympanuchus, genus Tympanuchus | prairie chickens |
Tyrannus, genus Tyrannus | type genus of the Tyrannidae |
Tyto, genus Tyto | type and only genus of the family Tytonidae |
Upupa, genus Upupa | type genus of the Upupidae |
Uria, genus Uria | murres |
Vanellus, genus Vanellus | Eurasian lapwings |
Vidua, genus Vidua | whydahs |
Vultur, genus Vultur | A bird that is usually restricted to the Andean condor |
Xenicus, genus Xenicus | type genus for the Xenicidae |
Xenorhyncus, genus Xenorhyncus | East Indian and Australian storks |
Zenaidura, genus Zenaidura | mourning doves |
Zonotrichia, genus Zonotrichia | large New World sparrows |
genus Aepyornis | type genus of the Aepyornidae |
genus Afropavo | Congo peafowl |
genus Anhinga | type genus of the Anhingidae |
genus Anomalopteryx | small moas |
genus Apteryx | type genus of the Apterygidae |
genus Archaeopteryx, genus Archeopteryx | A genus of fossil birds |
genus Archaeornis | A genus of fossil bird |
genus Chunga | A genus of Cariamidae |
genus Coscoroba | A genus of Anatidae |
genus Cotinga | type genus of the Cotingidae |
genus Diomedea | type of the Diomedeidae |
genus Ibero-mesornis | A genus of fossil bird of the subclass Archaeornithes |
genus Ibis | ibises |
genus Jabiru | jabirus |
genus Junco | American finches |
genus Leipoa | mallee fowl |
genus Notornis | A genus of Rallidae |
genus Pitta | type genus of the Pittidae |
genus Protoavis | Extinct primitive birds of the Triassic period |
genus Pyrrhuloxia | large showy finches related to cardinals |
genus Rhea | type genus of the Rheidae |
genus Sinornis | A genus of fossil birds |
genus Tragopan | A genus of Phasianidae |
genus Trogon | type genus of the Trogonidae |
genus Vireo | type genus of the Vireonidae |
Broader | genus | (biology) taxonomic group containing one or more species |
Spanish | aves |
Catalan | aus, gènere d'aus |