Sentit | A quantity that is more than what is appropriate. |
Sinònim | superabundància |
Específic | afartament, fartanera, tip | An undesirable overabundance |
demesia, sadollament | The quality of being so overabundant that prices / prices fall |
excedent, excés, plètora, sobra, superàvit, surplusage | A quantity much larger / larger than is needed |
General | abundància, abundor, esplet | The property of a more than adequate quantity or supply |
Anglès | overabundance, overmuch, overmuchness, superabundance |
Espanyol | sobreabundancia, superabundancia |
Adjectius | pletòric, sobreabundant | excessively abundant |
superabundant | Most excessively abundant |