Sentit | Being or denoting a numerical quantity but not order. |
Específic | 0, zero | Indicating the absence of any or all units under consideration / consideration |
1, I, u, un | Used of a single unit or thing |
10, deu, X | One more than nine |
100, C, cent, centena | Ten more than ninety |
1000, M, mil | denoting a quantity consisting of 1,000 items or units |
11, onze, XI | One more than ten |
12, dotze, XII | denoting a quantity consisting of 12 items or units |
13, tretze, XIII | One more than twelve |
14, catorze, XIV | One more than thirteen |
15, quinze, XV | One more than fourteen |
16, setze, XVI | One more than fifteen |
17, disset, XVII | One more than sixteen |
18, divuit, XVIII | One more than seventeen |
19, dinou, XIX | One more than eighteen |
2, dos, II | One more than one |
20, vint, XX | denoting a quantity consisting of 20 items or units |
21, vint-i-u, vint-i-un, XXI | One more than twenty |
22, vint-i-dos, XXII | Two more than twenty |
23, vint-i-tres, XXIII | Three more than twenty |
24, vint-i-quatre, XXIV | Four more than twenty |
25, vint-i-cinc, XXV | Five more than twenty |
26, vint-i-sis, XXVI | Six more than twenty |
27, vint-i-set, XXVII | Seven more than twenty |
28, vint-i-vuit, XXVIII | Eight more than twenty |
29, vint-i-nou, XXIX | Nine more than twenty |
3, III, tres | One more than two |
30, trenta, XXX | Ten more than twenty |
4, IV, quatre | One more than three |
40, quaranta, XL | Ten more than thirty |
5, cinc, V | One more than four |
50, cinquanta, L | Ten more than forty |
500, cinc-cents, D | denoting a quantity consisting of 500 items or units |
6, sis, VI | denoting a quantity consisting of six items or units |
60, LX, seixanta | Ten more than fifty |
7, set, VII | One more than six |
70, LXX, setanta | Ten more than sixty |
8, VIII, vuit | One more than seven |
80, LXXX, vuitanta | Ten more than seventy |
9, IX, nou | denoting a quantity consisting of one more than eight and one less than ten |
90, noranta, XC | Ten more than eighty |
doents, dos-cents | Ten more than one hundred ninety |
Contrari | ordinal | Being or denoting a numerical order in a series |
Anglès | cardinal |
Espanyol | cardinal |