HyperDic: mission

English > 5 senses of the word mission:
NOUNgroupmission, missionary post, missionary station, foreign missionan organization of missionaries in a foreign land sent to carry on religious work
actmission, military missionan operation that is assigned by a higher headquarters
actmission, charge, commissiona special assignment that is given to a person or group
actmission, missionary workthe organized work of a religious missionary
groupmission, deputation, commission, delegation, delegacya group of representatives / representatives or delegates
mission > pronunciation
RhymesAachen ... Zukerman: 2572 rhymes with ahn...
English > mission: 5 senses > noun 1, group
MeaningAn organization of missionaries in a foreign land sent to carry on religious work.
Synonymsmissionary post, missionary station, foreign mission
Broadernongovernmental organization, NGOAn organization that is not part of the local or state or federal government
Spanishmisión, misión religiosa
Catalanmissió, missió religiosa
Adjectivesmissionary, missionalrelating to or connected to a religious mission
Nounsmissionersomeone sent on a mission / mission--especially a religious or charitable mission to a foreign country
English > mission: 5 senses > noun 2, act
MeaningAn operation that is assigned by a higher headquarters.
Example"the planes were on a bombing mission"
Synonymmilitary mission
Categorymilitary, armed forces, armed services, military machine, war machineThe military forces of a nation
Narrowercombat missionA mission to capture or defend something
direct supportA mission requiring one force to support another specific force and authorizing it to answer directly the supported force's request for assistance
search and destroy missionAn operation developed for United States troops in Vietnam
search missionA mission to discover something
Broaderoperation, military operationActivity by a military or naval force (as a maneuver or campaign)
Spanishmisión militar, misión
Catalanmissió militar, missió
English > mission: 5 senses > noun 3, act
MeaningA special assignment that is given to a person or group.
Example"a confidential mission to London"
Synonymscharge, commission
Narrowerfool's errandA fruitless mission
mission impossibleAn extremely dangerous or difficult mission
suicide mission, martyr operation, sacrifice operationkilling or injuring others while annihilating yourself
Broaderassignment, duty assignmentA duty that you are assigned to perform (especially in the armed forces)
Spanishencargo, encomienda, misión
Catalancomanda, encàrrec, encomanda, missió
Nounsmissionersomeone sent on a mission / mission--especially a religious or charitable mission to a foreign country
English > mission: 5 senses > noun 4, act
MeaningThe organized work of a religious missionary.
Synonymmissionary work
Narrowerda'wah, dawahmissionary work for Islam
BroaderworkActivity directed toward making or doing something
Nounsmissionersomeone sent on a mission / mission--especially a religious or charitable mission to a foreign country
English > mission: 5 senses > noun 5, group
MeaningA group of representatives / representatives or delegates.
Synonymsdeputation, commission, delegation, delegacy
Narrowerdiplomatic missionA mission serving diplomatic ends
embassyAn ambassador and his entourage collectively
Broaderorganization, organisationA group of people who work together
Spanishcomisión, comité, delegación, diputación, encomienda
Catalancomanda, comissió, comitè, delegació, diputació
Nounsmissionersomeone sent on a mission / mission--especially a religious or charitable mission to a foreign country

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