Sentido | A leaf that is not divided into parts. |
Específico | acícula, aguja, hoja aciculada, hoja acicular | The leaf of a conifer |
hoja acorazonada | A heart-shaped leaf |
hoja acuminada | A leaf narrowing to a slender point |
hoja aovada | An egg-shaped leaf with the broader end at the base |
hoja astada | A leaf shaped like a spearhead with flaring pointed lobes at the base |
hoja deltoide | A simple leaf shaped like a capital delta |
hoja elíptica | A simple leaf shaped like an ellipse |
hoja ensiforme | A sword-shaped leaf |
hoja espatulada | spatula-shaped leaf |
hoja lanceolada | A leaf shaped like a lance head |
hoja linear | A long slender leaf |
hoja lirada | A simple leaf having curvature suggestive of a lyre |
hoja oblonga | A simple leaf that is rounded at each end with parallel sides |
hoja obovada | An egg-shaped leaf with the narrower end at the base |
hoja obtusa | A simple leaf having a rounded or blunt tip |
hoja orbiculada, hoja orbicular | Circular or nearly circular leaf |
hoja panduriforme | A fiddle-shaped leaf |
hoja peltada | A shield-shaped leaf |
hoja perfoliada | A leaf with the base united around--and apparently pierced by--the stem |
hoja reniforme | A simple kidney-shaped leaf |
hoja sagitada | A leaf shaped like an arrow head |
General | follaje, hoja | The main organ of photosynthesis and transpiration in higher plants |
Inglés | simple leaf |
Catalán | fulla simple |