Meaning | Two names for the suborder of typical songbirds. |
Synonyms | Oscines, suborder Oscines, Passeres |
Member of | Passeriformes, order Passeriformes | largest order of birds comprising about half the known species |
Members | Alaudidae, family Alaudidae | Larks |
Artamidae, family Artamidae | wood swallows |
Bombycillidae, family Bombycillidae | A family of birds of the suborder Oscines |
Certhiidae, family Certhiidae | creepers |
Cinclidae, family Cinclidae | water ouzels |
Coerebidae, family Coerebidae, Dacninae, family Dacninae | The honeycreepers |
Corvidae, family Corvidae | crow |
Cracticidae, family Cracticidae | Australian birds formerly included in the family Laniidae |
Drepanididae, family Drepanididae | Hawaiian honeycreepers |
Fringillidae, family Fringillidae | finches |
Hirundinidae, family Hirundinidae | swallows and martins |
Icteridae, family Icteridae | American orioles |
Irenidae, family Irenidae | A family of birds of the suborder Oscines |
Laniidae, family Laniidae | shrikes |
Meliphagidae, family Meliphagidae | honey eaters |
Mimidae, family Mimidae | sometimes considered a subfamily of Troglodytidae |
Motacillidae, family Motacillidae | pipits and wagtails |
Muscicapidae, family Muscicapidae | Old World (true) flycatchers |
Oriolidae, family Oriolidae | Old World orioles |
Paradisaeidae, family Paradisaeidae | birds of paradise |
Paridae, family Paridae | titmice and chickadees |
Parulidae, family Parulidae | New World warblers |
Passeridae, family Passeridae | true sparrows |
Ploceidae, family Ploceidae | weaverbirds |
Prunellidae, family Prunellidae | hedge sparrow |
Ptilonorhynchidae, family Ptilonorhynchidae | bowerbirds |
Sittidae, family Sittidae | nuthatches |
Sturnidae, family Sturnidae | Old World starlings |
Sylviidae, family Sylviidae | In some classifications considered a subfamily (Sylviinae) of the family Muscicapidae |
Thraupidae, family Thraupidae | tanagers |
Timaliidae, family Timaliidae | babblers |
Turdidae, family Turdidae | thrushes |
Vireonidae, family Vireonidae | small insectivorous American songbirds |
Xenicidae, family Xenicidae, Acanthisittidae, family Acanthisittidae | Alternative names for the family comprising the New Zealand wrens |
oscine, oscine bird | passerine bird having specialized vocal apparatus |
Broader | animal order | The order of animals |
Spanish | Oscines, paseriformes, Passeres, suborden Oscines, suborden Passeres |
Catalan | passeriformes |