Meaning | An intelligence agency outside the United States. |
Narrower | A'man | The Israeli military intelligence which produces comprehensive national intelligence briefings for the prime minister and the cabinet |
Canadian Security Intelligence Service, CSIS | Canada's main foreign / foreign intelligence agency that gathers and analyzes information to provide security intelligence for the Canadian government |
Central Intelligence Machinery, CIM | The United Kingdom's central unit for the tasking and coordination and funding of intelligence and security agencies |
Communications Security Establishment, CSE | Canadian agency that gathers communications intelligence and assist law enforcement and security agencies |
Criminal Intelligence Services of Canada, CISC | An agency of the Canadian government that unifies the intelligence units of Canadian law enforcement agencies |
Directorate for Inter-Services Intelligence, Inter-Services Intelligence, ISI | The Pakistan intelligence agency |
Foreign Intelligence Service, Sluzhba Vneshney Razvedki, SVR | Russia's intelligence service responsible / responsible for foreign / foreign operations, intelligence-gathering and analysis, and the exchange of intelligence information |
International Relations and Security Network, ISN | Switzerland's information network for security and defense studies and for peace and conflict / conflict research and for international relations / relations |
Iraqi Intelligence Service, IIS, Iraqi Mukhabarat | The most notorious and possibly the most important arm of Iraq's security system |
Mossad | The Israeli foreign / foreign intelligence agency |
Secret Intelligence Service, MI, Military Intelligence Section 6 | The government agency in the United Kingdom that is responsible / responsible for internal security and counterintelligence overseas |
Security Intelligence Review Committee, SIRC | An agency of the Canadian government that oversees the activities of the Criminal Intelligence Services of Canada and has the power to intrude on the privacy of suspected terrorists or spies |
Security Service, MI, Military Intelligence Section 5 | The government agency in the United Kingdom that is responsible / responsible for internal security and counterintelligence on British territory |
Shin Bet, General Security Services | The Israeli domestic counterintelligence and internal security agency |
Broader | intelligence, intelligence service, intelligence agency | A unit responsible for gathering and interpreting information about an enemy |