Meaning | small to moderate-sized terrestrial / terrestrial or semiaquatic New World salamander. |
Synonym | ambystomid |
Member of | Ambystoma, genus Ambystoma | type genus of the Ambystomatidae |
Narrower | axolotl, mud puppy, Ambystoma mexicanum | larval salamander of mountain lakes of Mexico that usually lives without metamorphosing |
mole salamander, Ambystoma talpoideum | brownish-black burrowing salamander of southeastern United States |
spotted salamander, Ambystoma maculatum | Glossy black North American salamander with yellow spots |
tiger salamander, Ambystoma tigrinum | widely distributed brown or black North American salamander with vertical yellowish blotches |
waterdog | Any of several large aquatic salamanders |
Broader | salamander | Any of various typically terrestrial / terrestrial amphibians that resemble lizards and that return to water only to breed |