Sentit | A person whose behavior deviates from what is acceptable especially in sexual behavior. |
Sinònims | degenerat, pervertit |
Específic | fetitxista | One who engages in fetishism (especially of a sexual nature) |
lasciu, luxuriós, sàtir | man with strong sexual desires |
masoquista | someone who obtains pleasure from receiving punishment |
nimfòmana, ninfómana | A woman with abnormal sexual desires |
pederasta | A man who has sex (usually sodomy) with a boy as the passive partner |
pedòfil | An adult who is sexually attracted to children |
sadomasoquista | someone who enjoys / enjoys / enjoys both sadism and masochism |
sodomita | someone who engages in anal copulation (especially a male who engages in anal copulation with another male) |
sàdic | someone who obtains pleasure from inflicting pain or others |
General | rèprobe, réprobo | A person without moral scruples |
Anglès | pervert, deviant, deviate, degenerate |
Espanyol | degenerado, depravado, pervertido |
Adjectius | aberrant | markedly different from an accepted norm |
degenerat, degradat, dissolut, llicenciós, viciós | unrestrained by convention or morality |
Verbs | corrompre, pervertir | corrupt morally or by intemperance or sensuality |
divergir, variar | Be at variance with |