Sentido | A wormlike and often brightly colored and hairy or spiny larva of a butterfly or moth. |
Sinónimo | oruga |
Miembro de | Lepidoptera, lepidópteros | moths and butterflies |
Específico | barrenador del maíz, Pyrausta Nubilalis | larva of the European corn borer moth |
gusano cortador | North American moth whose larvae feed on young plant stems cutting them off at the ground |
gusano de seda | larva of a saturniid moth |
gusano de seda | The commercially bred hairless white caterpillar of the domestic silkworm moth which spins a cocoon that can be processed to yield silk fiber |
lagarta rayada, oruga de librea | The larvae of moths that build and live in communal silken webs in orchard and shade trees |
oruga de lagarta | larva of a tussock moth |
oruga de polilla | larva of a lappet moth |
General | larva | The immature free-living form of most invertebrates and amphibians and fish which at hatching from the egg is fundamentally unlike its parent and must metamorphose |
Inglés | caterpillar |
Catalán | eruga |