Sentido | An abnormal rate of muscle contractions in the heart. |
Específico | aleteo | abnormally rapid beating of the auricles of the heart (especially in a regular rhythm) |
bloqueo cardíaco | recurrent sudden attacks of unconsciousness caused by impaired conduction of the impulse that regulates the heartbeat |
bradicardia | abnormally slow heartbeat |
contracción ventricular prematura, extrasístole | irregularity of cardiac rhythm |
fibrilación auricular | fibrillation of the muscles of the atria of the heart |
fibrilación ventricular | fibrillation of heart muscles resulting in interference with rhythmic contractions of the ventricles and possibly leading to cardiac arrest |
ritmo de galope | cardiac rhythm characterized by the presence of an extra sound |
taquicardia | abnormally rapid heartbeat (over 100 beats per minute) |
General | cardiopatía | A disease of the heart |
Inglés | cardiac arrhythmia, arrhythmia |
Catalán | arítmia |
Adjetivo | arrítmico, espasmódico | Lacking a steady rhythm |