Meaning | toothed whales: dolphins; porpoises; sperm whales; beaked whales. |
Synonym | Odontoceti |
Member of | Cetacea, order Cetacea | An order of Eutheria |
Members | Delphinidae, family Delphinidae | dolphins |
Physeteridae, family Physeteridae | sperm whales |
Platanistidae, family Platanistidae | river dolphins |
Ziphiidae, family Ziphiidae, Hyperodontidae, family Hyperodontidae | beaked whales |
toothed whale | Any of several whales having simple conical teeth and feeding on fish etc. |
Broader | animal order | The order of animals |
Spanish | Odontoceti, odontocetos, suborden |
Catalan | Odontoceti, Odontocet, odontocets |