HyperDic: perf

English Index > 48 words start with PERF:

perfect | perfect game | perfect gas | perfect participle | perfect pitch | perfect tense | perfecta | perfected | perfecter | perfectibility | perfectible | perfection | perfectionism | perfectionist | perfective | perfective aspect | perfective tense | perfectly | perfervid | perfidious | perfidiously | perfidiousness | perfidy | perfluorocarbon | perfoliate | perfoliate leaf | perforate | perforated | perforated eardrum | perforating vein | perforation | perforce | perform | performance | performance bond | performance capability | performer | performing | performing artist | performing arts | perfume | perfumed | perfumer | perfumery | perfunctorily | perfunctory | perfuse | perfusion

There are 147478 English words in this edition of the HyperDic 3.1 online hyper-dictionary.

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