HyperDic: lega

English Index > 49 words start with LEGA:

legacy | legal | legal action | legal age | legal assistant | legal blindness | legal brief | legal code | legal community | legal document | legal duty | legal expert | legal fee | legal fraud | legal guardian | legal holiday | legal injury | legal instrument | legal jointure | legal opinion | legal ouster | legal philosophy | legal power | legal principle | legal proceeding | legal profession | legal relation | legal representation | legal representative | legal residence | legal right | legal separation | legal status | legal system | legal tender | legal transfer | legalese | legalisation | legalise | legalism | legality | legalization | legalize | legally | legate | legatee | legateship | legation | legato

There are 147478 English words in this edition of the HyperDic 3.1 online hyper-dictionary.

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