Català > malaltia de la sang: 1 sentit > nom 1, stateSentit | A disease or disorder of the blood. |
Sinònim | hemopatia |
Específic | acantocitosi, acantocitosis | The presence of acanthocytes in the blood stream (as in abetalipoproteinemia) |
afibrinogenemia | The absence of fibrinogen in the plasma leading to prolonged bleeding |
agranulosis, granulocitopènia | An acute blood disorder (often caused by radiation or drug therapy) characterized by severe reduction in granulocytes |
alcalemia | A blood disorder characterized by a lower concentration of hydrogen ions in the blood (which rises above 7.45 on the pH scale) |
analbuminemia | An abnormally low level of albumin in the blood serum |
anemia, anèmia | A deficiency of red blood cells |
eritroblastèmia, eritroblastosi, eritroblastosis | A blood disease characterized by the abnormal presence of erythroblasts in the blood |
hemofília | congenital tendency to uncontrolled bleeding |
hemoglobinopatia | A blood disease characterized by the presence of abnormal hemoglobins in the blood |
hipervolemia, hipervolèmia | A blood disorder consisting of an increase / increase / increase in the volume of circulating blood |
hipovolèmia | A blood disorder consisting of a decrease in the volume of circulating blood |
histiocitosi | A blood disease characterized by an abnormal multiplication of macrophages |
leucocitosi | An abnormal increase / increase in the number of white blood cells in the blood as a result of infection (as in leukemia) |
leucopènia | An abnormal lowering of the white blood cell count |
limfocitosi, linfocitosis | An abnormal increase / increase / increase in the number of lymphocytes in the circulating blood |
peliosis, púrpura | Any of several blood diseases causing subcutaneous bleeding |
plaquetopènia, trombocitopènia | A blood disease characterized by an abnormally small number of platelets in the blood |
policitèmia | A disorder characterized by an abnormal increase / increase / increase in the number of red blood cells in the blood |
sèpsia, septicèmia | invasion of the bloodstream by virulent microorganisms from a focus of infection |
Anglès | blood disease, blood disorder |
Espanyol | enfermedad de la sangre, hemopatía |