HyperDic: weak

English > 12 senses of the word weak:
ADJECTIVEallweakwanting in physical strength
allweak, watery, washyoverly diluted
allweak, unaccented, light(used of vowels or syllables) pronounced with little or no stress
allweak, fallible, frail, imperfectwanting in moral strength, courage, or will
allweaktending downward in price
allweakdeficient or lacking in some skill
allweak, decrepit, debile, feeble, infirm, rickety, sapless, weaklylacking bodily or muscular strength or vitality
allweak(used of verbs) having standard (or regular) inflection
allweaknot having authority, political strength, or governing power
allweak, faintdeficient in magnitude
allweaklikely to fail under stress or pressure
allweakdeficient in intelligence or mental power
weak > pronunciation
Rhymesantique ... wreak: 54 rhymes with iyk...
English > weak: 12 senses > adjective 1
MeaningWanting in physical strength.
Example"a weak pillar"
Attribute ofstrengthThe property of being physically or mentally strong
Narroweradynamic, asthenic, debilitated, enervatedlacking strength or vigor
anemic, anaemiclacking vigor or energy
faint, feeblelacking strength or vigor
feeble, lamepathetically lacking in force or effectiveness
flimsy, insubstantiallacking solidity or strength
jerry-builtOf inferior / inferior workmanship and materials
namby-pamby, gutless, spineless, wishy-washyWeak in willpower, courage or vitality
pale, pallid, wan, sick(of light) lacking in intensity or brightness
punyinferior in strength or significance
vulnerablecapable of being wounded or hurt
weakenedmade weak or weaker
wilted, limpWithout energy or will
See alsodelicateexquisitely fine and subtle and pleasing
frailphysically weak
powerlesslacking power
tender, untoughenedphysically untoughened
OppositestrongHaving strength or power greater than average or expected
Nounsweaknessthe property of lacking physical or mental strength
Adverbsweaklyin a weak or feeble / feeble manner or to a minor degree
English > weak: 12 senses > adjective 2
Meaningoverly diluted; thin and insipid.
Example "weak tea"
Synonymswatery, washy
Broaderdiluted, diluteReduced in strength or concentration or quality or purity
Spanishacuoso, aguado
Catalanaigualit, aquós
English > weak: 12 senses > adjective 3
Meaning(used of vowels or syllables) pronounced with little or no stress.
Example "a weak stress on the second syllable"
Synonymsunaccented, light
Broaderunstressednot bearing a stress or accent
English > weak: 12 senses > adjective 4
MeaningWanting in moral strength, courage, or will; having the attributes of man as opposed to e.g. divine beings.
Synonymsfallible, frail, imperfect
BroaderhumanHaving human form or attributes as opposed to those of animals or divine beings
Spanishdébil, falible, frágil, imperfecto
Catalandèbil, fal·lible, frágil, imperfecte
English > weak: 12 senses > adjective 5
Meaningtending downward in price.
Example"a weak market for oil stocks"
BroaderdownBeing or moving lower in position or less in some value
Nounsweaknessthe condition of being financially weak
English > weak: 12 senses > adjective 6
MeaningDeficient or lacking in some skill.
Example"he's weak in spelling"
Broaderunskillednot having or showing or requiring special skill or proficiency / proficiency
English > weak: 12 senses > adjective 7
Meaninglacking bodily or muscular strength or vitality.
Synonymsdecrepit, debile, feeble, infirm, rickety, sapless, weakly
Broaderfrailphysically weak
Spanishdébil, decrépito, enfermizo
Catalandèbil, decrèpit, feble, malaltís
Nounsweaknessthe property of lacking physical or mental strength
English > weak: 12 senses > adjective 8
Meaning(used of verbs) having standard (or regular) inflection.
CategorygrammarThe branch of linguistics that deals with syntax and morphology (and sometimes also deals with semantics)
BroaderregularIn accordance with fixed order or procedure or principle
Spanishfeble, regular
English > weak: 12 senses > adjective 9
Meaningnot having authority, political strength, or governing power.
Example"a weak president"
Broaderpowerlesslacking power
Nounsweaknesspowerlessness revealed by an inability to act
English > weak: 12 senses > adjective 10
MeaningDeficient in magnitude; barely perceptible; lacking clarity or brightness or loudness etc.
  • "weak colors"
  • "a weak pulse"
Broaderperceptiblecapable of being perceived by the mind or senses
Spanishdébil, tenue
English > weak: 12 senses > adjective 11
Meaninglikely to fail under stress or pressure.
Example"the weak link in the chain"
Broaderfalliblelikely to fail or make errors
Nounsweaknessa flaw or weak point
English > weak: 12 senses > adjective 12
MeaningDeficient in intelligence or mental power.
Example"a weak mind"
Broaderstupidlacking or marked by lack of intellectual acuity

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