HyperDic: specia

English Index > 45 words start with SPECIA:

special | special-interest group | special act | special agent | Special Air Service | special assessment | Special Branch | special contract | special court-martial | special delivery | special drawing rights | special education | special effect | Special Forces | special interest | special interest group | special jury | special K | Special Olympics | special pleading | special relativity | special relativity theory | special session | special theory of relativity | special verdict | Special Weapons and Tactics squad | Special Weapons and Tactics team | specialisation | specialise | specialised | specialiser | specialism | specialist | specialistic | speciality | specialization | specialize | specialized | specializer | specially | specialness | specialty | specialty store | speciate | speciation

There are 147478 English words in this edition of the HyperDic 3.1 online hyper-dictionary.

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