English > afraid: 4 senses > adjective 1Meaning | Filled with fear or apprehension. |
Examples | - "afraid even to turn his head"
- "suddenly looked afraid"
- "afraid for his life"
- "afraid of snakes"
- "afraid to ask questions"
Attribute of | fear, fearfulness, fright | An emotion experienced in anticipation of some specific pain or danger (usually accompanied by a desire to flee or fight) |
Narrower | acrophobic | Suffering from acrophobia |
afeard, afeared | A pronunciation of afraid |
aghast, appalled, dismayed, shocked | struck with fear, dread, or consternation |
agoraphobic | Suffering from agoraphobia |
alarmed | Experiencing a sudden sense of danger |
algophobic | Suffering from algophobia |
apprehensive | In fear or dread of possible evil or harm |
claustrophobic | Suffering from claustrophobia |
fearful | Experiencing or showing fear |
frightened, scared | made afraid |
hangdog | frightened into submission or compliance |
horrified, horror-stricken, horror-struck | stricken with horror |
hunted | Reflecting the fear or terror of one who is hunted |
hydrophobic, aquaphobic | abnormally afraid of water |
mysophobic | Suffering from mysophobia |
numb | So frightened as to be unable to move |
panicky, panicked, panic-stricken, panic-struck, terrified, frightened | Thrown into a state of intense fear or desperation |
terror-stricken, terror-struck | struck or filled with terror |
triskaidekaphobic | Suffering from triskaidekaphobia (abnormal fear of the number 13) |
unnerved | deprived of courage and strength |
white-lipped | Having white lips from fear or terror |
xenophobic | Suffering from xenophobia |
See also | cowardly, fearful | lacking courage |
timid | showing fear and lack of confidence |
Opposite | unafraid, fearless | oblivious of dangers or perils or calmly resolute in facing them |
Spanish | temeroso, tener miedo |
Catalan | temorós |