HyperDic: erupción

Español > 9 sentidos de la palabra erupción:
NOMBREstateerupción, eflorescencia, grano, irritación, sarpullidoany red eruption of the skin
acterupción, estallo, explosión, ráfagathe act of exploding / exploding or bursting
stateerupción, grano, sarpullidosymptom consisting of a breaking out and becoming visible
eventerupción, brote, comienzo, desencadenamiento, estallido, irrupcióna sudden violent spontaneous occurrence (usually of some undesirable condition)
attributeerupción, manchaan irregularly shaped spot
eventerupción, erupción volcánicathe sudden occurrence of a violent discharge of steam and volcanic material
stateerupción(of volcanos) pouring out fumes or lava (or a deposit so formed)
eventerupciónthe emergence of a tooth as it breaks through the gum
stateerupcióna sudden recurrence or worsening of symptoms
Español > erupción: 9 sentidos > nombre 1, state
SentidoAny red eruption of the skin.
Sinónimoseflorescencia, grano, irritación, sarpullido
EspecíficomiliariaObstruction of the sweat ducts during high heat and humidity
urticariaAn itchy skin eruption characterized by weals with pale interiors and well-defined red margins
Generalerupción, grano, sarpullidosymptom consisting of a breaking out and becoming visible
Inglésrash, roseola, efflorescence, skin rash
Catalánerupció, gra, roseola, rosèola
Español > erupción: 9 sentidos > nombre 2, act
SentidoThe act of exploding / exploding or bursting.
Sinónimosestallo, explosión, ráfaga
Específicodenotación, detonaciónThe act of detonating an explosive
fulminaciónThe act of exploding with noise and violence
Inglésexplosion, burst
Catalánerupció, esclat, explosió
Verbosdesdoblar, estallar, explotar, rajarse, reventarse, reventarCome open suddenly and violently, as if from internal pressure
detonar, explosionar, explotarCause to burst with a violent release of energy
detonar, estallar, explosionar, explotar, reventarBurst outward, usually with noise
Español > erupción: 9 sentidos > nombre 3, state
Sentidosymptom consisting of a breaking out and becoming visible.
Sinónimosgrano, sarpullido
Específicoeflorescencia, erupción, grano, irritación, sarpullidoAny red eruption of the skin
exantemaeruption on the skin occurring as a symptom of a disease
Generalsíntoma(medicine) any sensation or change in bodily function that is experienced by a patient and is associated with a particular disease
Catalánerupció, gra
Español > erupción: 9 sentidos > nombre 4, event
SentidoA sudden violent spontaneous occurrence (usually of some undesirable condition).
Sinónimosbrote, comienzo, desencadenamiento, estallido, irrupción
Específicoepidemia, epidemias, pesteA widespread outbreak of an infectious disease
recrudecimiento, recrudescenciaA return of something after a period of abatement
Generalacontecimiento, hecho, sucesoAn event that happens
Inglésoutbreak, eruption, irruption
Catalánbrot, erupció, esclat
Verbosencenderse, estallarerupt or intensify suddenly
Español > erupción: 9 sentidos > nombre 5, attribute
SentidoAn irregularly shaped spot.
Generalbaldón, churrete, mancha, manchón, manchurrón, tizne, tiznón, zurrapaA blemish made by dirt
Inglésblotch, splodge, splotch
Adjetivomanchadomarked with irregularly shaped spots or blots
Verbosmancharmark with spots or blotches of different color or shades of color as if stained
salpicarblotch or spot
Español > erupción: 9 sentidos > nombre 6, event
SentidoThe sudden occurrence of a violent discharge of steam and volcanic material.
Sinónimoerupción volcánica
GeneraldescargaThe sudden giving off of energy
Inglésvolcanic eruption, eruption
Catalánerupció, erupció volcànica
Verbosentrar en erupciónBecome active and spew forth lava and rocks
Español > erupción: 9 sentidos > nombre 7, state
Sentido(of volcanos) pouring out fumes or lava (or a deposit so formed).
Categoríacráter, volcánA fissure in the earth's crust (or in the surface of some other planet) through which molten lava and gases erupt
Generalacción, actividadThe state of being active
Ingléseruption, eructation, extravasation
Verbosarrojar, expeler, expulsar, eyectar, lanzar, vomitarEject or send out in large quantities, also metaphorical
entrar en erupciónBecome active and spew forth lava and rocks
Español > erupción: 9 sentidos > nombre 8, event
SentidoThe emergence of a tooth as it breaks through the gum.
Verbosbrotar, entrar en erupción, hacer erupción, salirbreak out
Español > erupción: 9 sentidos > nombre 9, state
SentidoA sudden recurrence or worsening of symptoms.
Generalacceso, ataque, crisisA sudden occurrence of an uncontrollable condition

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