HyperDic: echar

Español > 23 sentidos de la palabra echar:
VERBOpossessionechar, arrojar, botar, descartar, desechar, deshacerse, expulsar, naufragar, olvidar, tirarthrow or cast away
cognitionechar, calcular, estimar, tasarjudge tentatively or form an estimate of (quantities or time)
competitionechar, descargar, despedir, dispararcause to go off
motionechar, derramar, vertercause to run
communicationechar, enviar, expedir, mandar, remitircause to be directed or transmitted to another place
contactechar, lanzar, tirar al airethrow or toss with a light motion
motionechar, despachar, enviar, expedir, mandar, transmitircause to go somewhere
socialechar, dar aviso, dejar cesante, despachar, despedir, destituir, exonerar, finiquitar, poderterminate the employment of
bodyechar, arrojar, evacuarexcrete or discharge from the body
possessionechar, emitirdeposit
socialechar, expeler, expulsarremove from a position or office
contactechar, expelerput out or expel from a place
competitionechar, sacarchoose at random
contactechar, descargarpour forth or release
communicationecharconvey or communicate
contactechar, tirarthrow with great effort
communicationechar, avisarask to go away
socialechar, largarstop associating with
motionechar, lanzarse, tirarsefall or plunge / plunge forward
competitionechar, retirarcause to get out
contactechar, embadurnar, tirarapply carelessly
motionecharpour out
socialechar, despachar, despedirforce out
Español > echar: 23 sentidos > verbo 1, possession
Sentidothrow or cast away.
Sinónimosarrojar, botar, descartar, desechar, deshacerse, expulsar, naufragar, olvidar, tirar
Específicoabandonarforsake, leave behind
abandonar, desechar, librarsethrow away, of something encumbering
cargarse, tirartoss out
desaprender, olvidardiscard something previously learnt, like an old habit
desguazardispose of (something useless or old)
expulsar, tirarGet rid of
jubilar, retirardispose of (something no longer useful or needed)
liquidarterminate by selling off or disposing of
liquidar, saldarGet rid of all one's merchandise
tirar desperdicios, verterthrow away as refuse
Generalapartar, deshacerse, eliminar, extirpar, quitar, remover, retirar, suprimirdispose of
Inglésdiscard, fling, toss, toss out, toss away, chuck out, cast aside, dispose, throw out, cast out, throw away, cast away, put away
Catalánapartar, descartar, expel·lir, expulsar, gitar, llençar
NombresrechazoGetting rid something that is regarded as useless or undesirable
Español > echar: 23 sentidos > verbo 2, cognition
Sentidojudge tentatively or form an estimate of (quantities or time).
Sinónimoscalcular, estimar, tasar
Implicado porcastigar, penalizar, punirimpose a penalty on
Específicocalibrar incorrectamentegauge something incorrectly or improperly
considerar, contartake account of
evaluar, valorarEstimate the value of (property) for taxation
subestimarmake a deliberately low estimate
Generalaverigüar, calcular, codificar, computar, deducirmake a mathematical calculation or computation
Tambiénsobreestimar, sobrestimarmake too high an estimate of
subestimarmake a deliberately low estimate
Inglésestimate, gauge, approximate, guess, judge
Catalánapreciar, calcular, taxar
Adjetivoaproximado, aproximativonot quite exact or correct
Nombresaproximación, estimación, idea, presupuestoAn approximate calculation of quantity or degree or worth
conjetura, especulación, suposición, surmisalA message expressing an opinion based on incomplete evidence
enjuiciamientoThe cognitive process of reaching a decision or drawing conclusions
estimaciónA judgment of the qualities of something or somebody
evaluación, tasación, tasa, valoraciónA document appraising the value of something (as for insurance or taxation)
presupuestoA statement indicating the likely cost of some job
Español > echar: 23 sentidos > verbo 3, competition
SentidoCause to go off.
Sinónimosdescargar, despedir, disparar
Causa dedescargar, disparargo off or discharge
Implicado pordesencadenarRelease or pull the trigger on
Específicodisparar, tirarFire a shot
dispararfire as from a gun
fusilarattack with fusillade
Inglésfire, discharge
Catalándescarregar, disparar, fer foc, fer fora
NombresdescargaThe act of discharging a gun
fuegoThe act of firing / firing / firing weapons or artillery at an enemy / enemy
Español > echar: 23 sentidos > verbo 4, motion
SentidoCause to run.
Sinónimosderramar, verter
Causa dealimentar, correr, crecer, fluir, manarMove along, of liquids / liquids
Implicado porbombearDraw or pour with a pump
Específicodecantar, escanciar, servir, verterpour out
derramarse, derramar, verterpour out in drops or small quantities or as if in drops or small quantities
echarpour out
gotearLet or cause to fall in drops
Generaldesplazar, mover, trasladarCause to move or shift into a new position or place, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense
Tambiénacabarse, beberse, meterse, servirse, terminarsedrink down entirely
Catalánabocar, emetre, fluir, llançar, tirar, vessar
Español > echar: 23 sentidos > verbo 5, communication
SentidoCause to be directed or transmitted to another place.
Sinónimosenviar, expedir, mandar, remitir
Implicado porcorreo electrónico, enviar, unCommunicate electronically on the computer
EspecíficocertificarSend by registered mail
Generaltransbordar, transferir, transmitirMove from one place to another
Inglésmail, post, send
Catalánenviar, expedir, llançar, remetre, tirar, trametre
Nombrescorreo, furgón de correos, mailA conveyance that transports / transports the letters and packages that are conveyed by the postal system
correo, correo postal, servicio postalThe system whereby messages are transmitted via the post office
envíoThe act of causing something to go (especially messages)
estampilla, franqueo, porte, sello de correos, sello, timbreA small adhesive token stuck on a letter or package to indicate that that postal fees have been paid
remitente, transmisorsomeone who transmits a message
Español > echar: 23 sentidos > verbo 6, contact
SentidoThrow or toss with a light motion.
Sinónimoslanzar, tirar al aire
Generalarrojar, aventar, lanzar, tirarThrow with force or recklessness
Inglésflip, toss, sky, pitch
Nombrespase(sports) the act of throwing the ball to another member of your team
Español > echar: 23 sentidos > verbo 7, motion
SentidoCause to go somewhere.
Sinónimosdespachar, enviar, expedir, mandar, transmitir
EspecíficoencaminarSend via a specific route
proyectarput or send forth
redireccionar, redirigirchannel into a new direction
referir, remitirSend or direct for treatment, information, or a decision
Generaldesplazar, mover, trasladarCause to move or shift into a new position or place, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense
Tambiéndar aviso, dejar cesante, despachar, despedir, destituir, echar, exonerar, finiquitar, poderTerminate the employment of
echar, largarstop associating with
Ingléssend, direct
Catalándespatxar, enviar, expedir, llançar, remetre, trametre
NombresenvíoThe act of causing something to go (especially messages)
Español > echar: 23 sentidos > verbo 8, social
SentidoTerminate the employment of; discharge from an office or position.
Sinónimosdar aviso, dejar cesante, despachar, despedir, destituir, exonerar, finiquitar, poder
Específicodespachar, despedir, echarForce out
despedirdismiss, usually for economic reasons
echar, largarstop associating with
excluir, recortarForce out
jubilar, pensionarlet go from employment with an attractive pension
retirarse, retirarmake (someone) retire
Generalalejar, apartar, eliminar, extirpar, quitar, retirar, sacar, suprimirRemove from a position or an office
Tambiéndespachar, echar, enviar, expedir, mandar, transmitirCause to go somewhere
Contrariocontratar, emplearEngage or hire for work
Inglésdisplace, fire, give notice, can, dismiss, give the axe, send away, sack, force out, give the sack, terminate
Catalánacomiadar, despedir, destituir, fer fora
Adjetivodestituiblesubject to dismissal
Nombrescese, despedida, despido, destitución, liberaciónThe termination of someone's employment / employment (leaving them free to depart)
Español > echar: 23 sentidos > verbo 9, body
Sentidoexcrete or discharge from the body.
Sinónimosarrojar, evacuar
Generaleliminar, excretarEliminate from the body
Inglésevacuate, void, empty
Catalánevacuar, treure
Adjetivopurgantestrongly laxative
Nombresdefecación, deposición, deyección, evacuación, excreciónThe bodily process of discharging waste matter
defecatorA person who defecates
evacuación, vaciadoThe act of removing the contents of something
Español > echar: 23 sentidos > verbo 10, possession
Generaldarconvey or reveal information
Español > echar: 23 sentidos > verbo 11, social
SentidoRemove from a position or office.
Sinónimosexpeler, expulsar
Específicodeponer, destituirForce to leave (an office)
excomulgaroust or exclude from a group or membership by decree
Generalalejar, apartar, eliminar, extirpar, quitar, retirar, sacar, suprimirRemove from a position or an office
Tambiéndar patadasKick
patearstrike with the foot
Inglésoust, throw out, drum out, boot out, kick out, expel
Nombresderrocamiento, desalojamiento, desposeimientoThe act of ejecting someone or forcing them out
exclusión, expulsiónThe act of forcing out someone or something
Español > echar: 23 sentidos > verbo 12, contact
Sentidoput out or expel from a place.
Específicodesahuciar, expulsarExpel from one's property or force to move out by a legal process
exorcizarExpel through adjuration or prayers
Generalexpeler, expulsarForce to leave or move out
Ingléseject, chuck out, exclude, turf out, boot out, turn out
Catalánexpel·lir, expulsar, llançar, tirar, treure
Nombresexclusión, expulsiónThe act of forcing out someone or something
expulsor, eyectorA mechanism in a firearm that ejects the empty shell case after firing
Español > echar: 23 sentidos > verbo 13, competition
Sentidochoose at random.
Generaldestruir, go, hacer, jugar, moverHave a turn
Inglésdraw, cast
Nombreslotería, lotoplayers buy (or are given) chances and prizes are distributed by casting lots
suerteAnything (straws or pebbles etc.) taken or chosen at random
Español > echar: 23 sentidos > verbo 14, contact
Sentidopour forth or release.
EspecíficochorrearCause to come out in a squirt
dispersar, esparcir, rociar, salpicarDistribute loosely
Generaldesplegar, dispensar, distribuir, extenderDistribute or disperse widely
Catalánabocar, descarregar
Nombrescaudal, descarga, efusión, vertidoThe pouring forth of a fluid
Español > echar: 23 sentidos > verbo 15, communication
Sentidoconvey or communicate; of a smile, a look, a physical gesture.
Generalcomunicar, transmitirtransmit thoughts or feelings
Inglésgive, throw
Español > echar: 23 sentidos > verbo 16, contact
SentidoThrow with great effort.
Generalarrojar, lanzar, tirarPropel through the air
Catalánllançar, tirar
Español > echar: 23 sentidos > verbo 17, communication
Sentidoask to go away.
Generaldecir, declarar, encargar, imponer, indicar, mandar, ordenar, sentenciarGive instructions to or direct somebody to do something with authority
Español > echar: 23 sentidos > verbo 18, social
Sentidostop associating with.
Generaldar aviso, dejar cesante, despachar, despedir, destituir, echar, exonerar, finiquitar, poderTerminate the employment of
Tambiéndespachar, echar, enviar, expedir, mandar, transmitirCause to go somewhere
Similareliminar, rechazarterminate an association with
Inglésdismiss, send packing, send away, drop
Catalánfer marxar
Español > echar: 23 sentidos > verbo 19, motion
Sentidofall or plunge / plunge forward.
Sinónimoslanzarse, tirarse
Generalbajar, caer, descenderMove downward and lower, but not necessarily all the way
Español > echar: 23 sentidos > verbo 20, competition
SentidoCause to get out.
Categoríabaseball, beisbol, béisbolA ball game played with a bat and ball between two teams of nine players
Causa deapartar, retirarMove in order to make room for someone for something
Inglésretire, strike out
Catalánfer fora, retirar
Español > echar: 23 sentidos > verbo 21, contact
Sentidoapply carelessly.
Sinónimosembadurnar, tirar
Generalaplicarapply to a surface
Inglésslap on, clap on, slam on
Español > echar: 23 sentidos > verbo 22, motion
Sentidopour out.
Generalderramar, echar, verterCause to run
Ingléseffuse, pour out
Español > echar: 23 sentidos > verbo 23, social
SentidoForce out.
Sinónimosdespachar, despedir
Generaldar aviso, dejar cesante, despachar, despedir, destituir, echar, exonerar, finiquitar, poderTerminate the employment of
Inglésclean out

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