HyperDic: abele

Español > 1 sentido de la palabra abele:
NOMBREplantabele, álamo blanco, álamo, poboa poplar that is widely cultivated in the United States
Español > abele: 1 sentido > nombre 1, plant
SentidoA poplar that is widely cultivated in the United States; has white bark and leaves with whitish undersurfaces.
Sinónimosálamo blanco, álamo, pobo
Generalálamo, chopoAny of numerous trees of north temperate regions having light soft wood and flowers borne in catkins
Ingléswhite poplar, white aspen, abele, aspen poplar, silver-leaved poplar, Populus alba
Catalánabele, àlber blanc, àlber, Populus alba

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