HyperDic: scincid_lizard

English > 1 sense of the expression scincid lizard:
NOUNanimalscincid lizard, skink, scincidalert agile lizard with reduced limbs and an elongated body covered with shiny scales
English > scincid lizard: 1 sense > noun 1, animal
MeaningAlert agile lizard with reduced limbs and an elongated body covered with shiny scales; more dependent on moisture than most lizards; found in tropical regions worldwide / worldwide.
Synonymsskink, scincid
Member ofScincidae, family Scincidaeskinks
Narrowermountain skink, Eumeces callicephalusfrequents oak and pine habitats in rocky mountainous areas of United States southwest and Mexico
western skink, Eumeces skiltonianusFound in western North American grasslands and open woodlands
Broaderlizardrelatively long-bodied reptile with usually two pairs of legs and a tapering tail
Spanishscincidae, scincid
Catalanescíncid, scincid

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