HyperDic: rap

English > 10 senses of the word rap:
VERBcontactrap, knapstrike sharply
perceptionrap, tap, knock, pinkmake light, repeated taps on a surface
creationrapperform rap music
communicationraptalk / talk volubly
NOUNcommunicationrap, blamea reproach for some lapse or misdeed
eventrap, strike, tapa gentle blow
eventrap, pat, tapthe sound made by a gentle blow
communicationrapvoluble conversation
communicationrap, rap music, hip-hopgenre of African-American music of the 1980s and 1990s in which rhyming lyrics are chanted to a musical accompaniment
actrap, knock, belt, whack, whangthe act of hitting vigorously
rap > pronunciation
Rhymesbackslap ... zap: 45 rhymes with aep...
English > rap: 10 senses > noun 1, communication
MeaningA reproach for some lapse or misdeed.
Example "it was a bum rap"
BroaderreproachA mild rebuke or criticism
Spanishacusación falsa, acusación, culpa
Catalanacusació, culpa
English > rap: 10 senses > noun 2, event
MeaningA gentle blow.
Synonymsstrike, tap
Broaderblow, bumpAn impact (as from a collision)
Verbsrapstrike sharply
rapmake light, repeated taps on a surface
English > rap: 10 senses > noun 3, event
MeaningThe sound made by a gentle blow.
Synonymspat, tap
Narrowerpitter-patterA series of rapid tapping sounds
BroadersoundThe sudden occurrence of an audible event
Spanishgolpecito, palmadita, rap
Catalancopet, rap
English > rap: 10 senses > noun 4, communication
Meaningvoluble conversation.
BroaderconversationThe use of speech for informal exchange of views or ideas or information etc.
Usage ofcolloquialismA colloquial expression
Spanishcharla inconsistente
Verbsraptalk / talk volubly
English > rap: 10 senses > noun 5, communication
Meaninggenre of African-American music of the 1980s and 1990s in which rhyming lyrics are chanted to a musical accompaniment; several forms of rap have emerged.
Synonymsrap music, hip-hop
Broaderblack music, African-American musicmusic created by African-American musicians
popular music, popular music genreAny genre of music having wide appeal (but usually only for a short time)
Verbsrapperform rap music
English > rap: 10 senses > noun 6, act
MeaningThe act of hitting vigorously.
Synonymsknock, belt, whack, whang
BroaderblowA powerful stroke with the fist or a weapon
Spanishcastañazo, cate, golpe, leñazo, porrazo, tortazo, trastazo
Catalanbatzacada, batzac, cop, patacada, patac, trompada
Verbsrapstrike sharply
English > rap: 10 senses > verb 1, contact
Meaningstrike sharply.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Somebody ----s something PP; Somebody ----s PP
Example"rap him on the knuckles"
Narrowerknockrap with the knuckles
Broaderstrikedeliver a sharp blow, as with the hand, fist, or weapon
Spanishcascar, pegar
Nounsrapthe act of hitting vigorously
rapa gentle blow
English > rap: 10 senses > verb 2, perception
Meaningmake light, repeated taps on a surface.
PatternSomething ----s; Somebody ----s PP
Synonymstap, knock, pink
Broadersound, gomake a certain noise or sound
Spanishaporrear, golpear, golpetear
Catalanbastonejar, copejar, pegar, tustar
Nounsrapa gentle blow
English > rap: 10 senses > verb 3, creation
MeaningPerform rap music.
PatternSomebody ----s
Categorymusicmusical activity (singing / singing / singing or whistling etc.)
BroaderperformGive a performance (of something)
Nounsrapgenre of African-American music of the 1980s and 1990s in which rhyming lyrics are chanted to a musical accompaniment
English > rap: 10 senses > verb 4, communication
Meaningtalk / talk volubly.
PatternSomebody ----s; Somebody ----s PP
ModelSam and Sue rap
Broadertalk, speakExchange thoughts
Nounsrapvoluble conversation

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